Yesterday on my long commute home, I sat next to a very nice older lady who was also a mother of three. We talked all the way home which is unusual for me because early in the morning and late in the evening…I generally like to meditate, write the blog, catch up on some of my favorite blogs, and listen to music. I truly believe when we have moments where life forces us to step out of our comfort zone…GOD is sending us a message and we MUST PAY ATTENTION! I talked briefly about my frustration with my day job and she did the same. Then I mentioned the blog and her eyes lit up. She immediately got excited and wanted the website address…so I directed her to it. It occurred to me that I’m not sure if my blog is one the mature crowd would enjoy but I think it’s really how open minded you are at any age! I know plenty of 30 year old prudes! So I opened the door to Kingston’s world. Then she asked my real name and I gave her the name my family calls me. Then she gave me her number and asked for mine. I hesitated for a minute and then gave her Kingston Jael’s email address. The thing is…I really am Kingston! She is the rawest form of me. She’s my truth. She’s 35 years of my blood sweat and tears. I truly believe this lady’s spirit was beautiful but still had the need to protect my day job and my side hustle. She now knows I am two people so I have to tread lightly on how (if ever) we do business together. I thank her so much for getting excited about my dreams the way I, Willow, and Nicole have been since last September when I embarked on this journey! Will definitely keep you posted on whether she was a God sent. Now to the message I have for you today… Yesterday’s encounter had me thinking that it’s so beautiful to be able to share your dreams with others and to see a light gleam in their eyes. Yet you can’t go around sharing your dreams with everyone! Some folks don’t dream. They are living nightmares…dream killers…and dream stealers! Not everyone purposely means to kill your dream. Some folks were never taught to dream and learned to live in fear. Others are just not mentally well. Then you have the ones that a jealous that God blessed you with not only the ability to dream but with a VISION!?? Yes hunni! Let’s talk about that VISION! Not everyone is blessed with one and even out of those who are…only a few of us will risk everything to make that VISION a reality! Let that soak in for a minute. Only a few of us will RISK everything to make that VISION come to fruition! You will put in the work because GOD built you to overcome every obstacle and stay in FAITH!?? What you know about that?! Can I get an AMEN! As you stay in FAITH, remember those closest to you will get front seats to either cheer you on or steal/kill your dreams! Your guide for your VISION has to be your HIGHER POWER! It cannot lie in human beings. But if you are lucky enough to have a few earthly angels that walk with you…thank the LORD for sending them! They are blessings upon blessings in places where broken dreams grow. Humans are flawed so don’t expect everyone to purposely accept and support your dreams! Get ready to row your boat FIERCELY yet CAREFULLY! Guard your VISION just as ferociously as you would your HEART! True visionaries are prepared for the earthly AND the spiritual battles! If you are one of them…take stock of who is in your camp and don’t be afraid to let some folks off the boat. Heck don’t be afraid to go it alone if you have to! “What GOD has for YOU…will be for YOU!” No man can stop you…~KJM on Temptation Tuesday…giving a shout out to Willow for being the Gayle to my Oprah since 1999! Oh the storms may come but we are still on the same boat together! God bless!?
Your Boat…Row Fiercely Yet Carefully
by admin