I tried to be perfect for him even though he never attempted to be perfect for me! I tried never to complain. I tried to pretend I was always happy…that he made me happy. I tried and I tried…always coming up short. Always feeling less than. Always trying to not be tired…of trying! TIRED and TRIED are spelt with the same letters yet I always felt one letter off when I used the word TRIED instead of TIRED. There I was looking in at myself and…at him. Exhausted and disgusted! I’m exhausted from trying to be perfect all the time yet never meaning more to him. And I’m disgusted that I even tried to be perfect for him….when I always knew I was enough! Yet there I was…in the midst of a sad existence…smiling…as I perfectly disappeared… ~KJM on Charm School Monday
The Disillusionment Of Perfection (The All Things Are Possible Through Christ Edition)
Once…I believed I wasn’t enough. Maybe if I was more beautiful, had the waistline the width of my hand, a huge video vixen bootie, and was younger than I am…life would be so great! Then “reality” tv exploded and there were chicks going under the knife for a perfect look and even after receiving it….lived a very sad existence! Even celebrities have huge moments of self doubt and watch their lives fall apart…no matter how much money they have!?No set of perfect looks and skills will guarantee that our lives will always go well. Perfection is a MYTH! So how did our society get so obsessed with it? It’s because somewhere along the line someone or something told us we weren’t enough. It may have been our parents, friends, society, our relationship experiences, a broken heart, or….ourselves! How ever we got here…we are here…a place where we stopped thinking we were enough to be happy and live a blessed life! ?? And so the list of what it would take to make us “perfect” grows longer and longer…as we step further and further away from who our Higher power intended us to be. Out of everyone I’ve ever dated…Julio and the Ex Factor were the two guys who always made me feel like I wasn’t enough for them! ?I didn’t buy into this theory when Julio tried to sell it for the last 19 years! I knew I WAS ACTUALLY TOO MUCH FOR HIM and we’ve both agreed that Julio never deserved me!!! I will give him that…he will say it in a heartbeat and accept he f*cked up! What he couldn’t get pass is the fact that in the last 7 years…I’ve been over him. Now the Ex Factor came along at one of the worst times in my life. I got out of graduate school at the height of the economic depression (2009) and couldn’t even find a retail job! If it wasn’t for my family holding me down through the dark ages (May 2009-April 2013), great friends, and meeting the Ex Factor I may have lost my mind! My ability to take care of myself is the essence of who I am. So I fell into a sort of depressive state where I lost faith in myself, put on like 40lbs since graduate school, and even started to doubt God! So when the Ex Factor started to tell me I wasn’t enough…I ALMOST bought into it. The things that kept me grounded were God and my father, Papa Michaels. While the Ex Factor would spend 6 years inserting himself into my life while yelling that as long as he had his boys and his family…he didn’t need me…my DADDY would spend everyday saying that nothing in this world was worth experiencing without ME!?? Thank you for this Daddy! My father told me in words and deeds that I AM ENOUGH and reenforced the great self esteem I was raised with! I AM A F*CKING QUEEN and can’t nobody tell me different! There will come a day when I will meet a man strong enough to support my drive for life and my serious work ethics! Cause you see when someone tells you that you aren’t enough…whether in words and/or actions…what they are really saying is THEY ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU and they know you deserve better! Yes Queens! You deserve better! This obsession with perfection is just something to distract us from our full potentials! What GOD has for you…is for you! Never allow anyone to tell you that you are not perfect for only GOD is perfect and we were made in HIS image and likeness and were never meant to be perfect. It’s in the midst of our imperfections that GOD loves us anyways…AS IS! ?? Stay healthy and focused but stop telling yourself that if only you lost 10lbs…he wouldn’t cheat! Or if only you were more fun and/or athletic he would find you more interesting. Or even worse…if you were her…he would love you! Just STOP!?? You are who you are meant to be. Any improvements should be made because YOU want to for your own betterment. Look at Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, J Lo, and Ambrose! Perfection and freakiness never made them happy! Not that I think they were selling perfection but in many of our eyes they were the quintessential women! Our imperfections are what makes us unique and in the end…I believe the true love of those imperfections (from ourselves and others) are how we will all find peace and happiness! ~KJM on Charm School Monday saying that you are all perfect to me! ?
The Never Mrs. Or The Once Was Mrs. (The Single State Of Mind Is A Powerful One Edition)
Happy Flashback Friday Queens! We are in the second day of a new season (literally and figuratively). Time to take stock of our lives and claim our power. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the twist and turns I made in my last season. There are some things I definitely wish I had done differently. However, I’ve made peace with my mistakes the best I can and am ready to move forward….educated, refreshed, and focused! It’s been a while since I’ve done a countdown so let’s try one today. Here are 5 Truths of The Never Mrs that I’ve recently come to terms with: 5. I AM UNMARRIED BY CHOICE AND HAPPY WITH THAT CHOICE: Sometimes I’m in the midst of a conversation with one of my female friends or a complete stranger (as strangers love to randomly share Too Much Information with me) and that woman will make some assumptions about my single state of mind. I’ve heard time and time again that when I meet the right one…I will know. They are assuming, of course, that I believe there is a right “one.” I cannot say if this piece of advice is actually true as I clearly haven’t semi met the right one. But I do feel like there are great loves that may be right for us in a certain season of our lives or never right for us at all. If you know me personally then you know that every goal I have set for myself…I go out of my way to achieve…and I do achieve it no matter how long it takes. Thus, being married or even in a permanent long term relationship was never part of my young adult plan. I purposely kept my head in the books and advanced my education. None of it was done accidentally. If I wanted to be married…I would be. And if you have been following this blog, you already know that when I speak of marriage…I speak of it being a smart financial option more than the best thing to do morally. I do not believe that a woman should leave herself unprotected (sexually nor financially) when it comes to a man. Fall in love but protect those current and future coins. Don’t help him build his empire without building yours and/or stamping your name on his IF your blood, sweat, and tears went into it…so that if you guys break up…you are not assed out! Now this doesn’t mean I will never marry. It just means that I’m aware it’s still not a priority. MY truth: I AM A NEVER MRS. BY CHOICE! 4. I HAVE NEVER BEEN ROMANTICALLY LOVED IN A WAY MY MIND, BODY, AND SOUL FELT SAFE AND SECURE: While my younger self never thought about a life long partner, I never thought that by the age of 35 I would never have experienced a great love! The Ex Factor is the strongest love I have experienced thus far but most of the time it feels like unrequited love…so it doesn’t add up to a great love in my book. At least not at this chapter in my life. It sucks that I have not experienced the thing that most people say is the greatest feeling ever but when I look at the divorce rates from the last 10 years…I’m beginning to think I’m not alone. Some folks may think they found that great love but really haven’t! Welp….we all make mistakes. Does that great love really exist?! Or great loves? Not sure. For those who say it does exist…y’all talk to me when you’ve celebrated at least 30 years of being together (whether you guys chose to marry or just be life partners). Everything feels good in the NOW but only time will tell! MY truth: Never really been loved romantically where the essence of who I am came alive but neither have most folks! ?? I am just real about mines!? While romantic love evades me, I am my father’s world! And for that I will forever be blessed! No man should dare propose marriage to me without being able to protect and care for me at least 60% of the way my daddy has!✌?️ 3. I DO NOT LIKE GOOD RELATIONSHIP GUYS: Now you know I have to speak my truth. I’ve some amazing male friends who are wonderful husbands! I never chose to date not one of them because they are relationship guys! All the moving around I’ve done in the last 17 years for school and career…a relationship guy would have been hit me with an ultimatum because even he would have gotten tired of following my roaming ass! MY truth: I LOVE those selfish non relationship guys who can’t even say the word LOVE! Emotionally unavailable?!! Yasss boo….send me your digits! Yup…that’s my type AND is still my type. Hence the Ex Factor! If you are about a family life and love…I’m gonna dump you but not right away. First, I will get excited, then I will feel boxed in, and then I will get bored and lawd only knows what I will do next. Yes…I am the ultimate bachelorette!?? 2. TO THE ONCE WAS MRS: I have a few friends that are now on their second marriages AND happy so don’t give up hope if you thought you found the person for you and it didn’t work out. LOVE is still on the way! Keep the faith and take all the learned lessons with you while being open to a new love! MY truth: I’m glad I waited. I’m in no rush! ? 1. SINGLE IS A POWERFUL STATE OF MIND: I know it’s hard starting over in love and life BUT it’s worth it. I know some women (and men for that matter) who settled just because they felt the love they received is all they could get, they were lonely, or they just plain gave up on life….this is simply no way to live. As a single woman (with no children), I can easily walk away from anything that does not positively serve my spirit! We all have choices in life (whether we realize it or not) but a single person’s choice generally just affects us. I have the FREEDOM to start again…breathe again…love again! As long as we are living, the story is not over! The problem is most women are focused on a time line and end up not giving a damn who they share that time line with until some huge mistakes are made. A lot of men, on the other hand, screw over the women that truly love them and end up settling for “Miss She Just Happens To Be Here When I Am Ready To Be Serious” or “Miss I Just Knocked Her Up!” Even a ready to settle down man is still thinking with his little brain and not the big one!? I’m making a lot of generalizations right now but just hear me out. These are the common mistakes I’ve seen amongst the men and women I’ve known in this lifetime. If we all looked at the SINGLE state of mind as a powerful one…we could avoid so much hurt! Now even I get tired of “THE WAIT” but I won’t dare give up on myself, my possible future family, and love just because I’m tired! My ass is tired at work too but I put my back into that shit! Personal life should be no different! Be real with yourselves and be real with what you are currently looking for and praying for. Stay in that SINGLE state of mind empowered, not bitter, and open to the lessons along the way. I don’t know what the future holds but I know all good things blossom from self love, patience, God, and doing the WORK!!!?? MY truth: I am worth the wait! ?~KJM on Flashback Friday leaving you guys with some inspiring words from the late great Luther Vandross: “For me to get the love That I’d been missing Sometimes love takes a long time Wait for love And you’re gonna to get the chance to love Wait for love, wait for love oh, my”???Wait For Love by Luther Vandross. In loving memory of Michele Monique Johnson who would have been celebrating her birthday today. Miss you dearly?
Dating In The 50s And 60s (The Grandpa Say It Ain’t So Edition)
It’s with heavy heart that I write this foolishness today…get ready because the level of fuckery we are about to get into is insane! The other day the writer, Zane, posed the questions: who hasn’t been on a date in 2016 and if so, is it by choice? Many women wrote in their personal experiences but one in particular stuck out to me. There was a woman who had been happily married for 25 years until her husband passed. She said she had not dated since because….wait for it…MEN IN THEIR 50s AND 60s PLAY GAMES!!! Say what?! Wait a fucking minute! I know guys in their 20s and 30s play games but now it’s the 50s and 60s too? I mean…they knocking on death’s door and still playing games?! I’m gonna need someone to explain that to me because I’m fucking baffled? Should I just give up and become a born again lesbian? I know you guys are side eyeing me for this one but I don’t care! This woman’s testimony isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this mess. If you recall, I met a widower (probably in her 80s) a few months ago at the nail salon and she shared a similar story with me. She said that all the men in their 50s wanted to do was sex her and live off of her (she and her deceased husband owned multiple properties)! Nana say it ain’t so?! Grandpa only interested in sex?!? I just passed out! With hearing this news, what hope do we young women have? Do we accept a life of solitude or embrace learnt lesbianism…no disrespect to my lesbians…but where the fuck are we to go? At this point if I aimed to meet a 90 year old geriatric…he’s still going to be focused on coping a feel?! I’m disgusted but even more than that I’m pissed! When the fuck do guys grow up?! I learned from Elijah that the late 30s/early 40s ain’t got shit to offer…at least for me! So what now…look to the 70s and older crew? Lawd a mercy!? Passing out again! Even Grandpa want to Netflix and Chill?! And not because his ass is too old to move but because he’s still a dirty dog…even in his decapitating state?! I just fainted…somebody pass me a church hat! Wave it over my face, wake me up, and have the pastor bring me back to life with a deep scripture. Matter of fact…let’s get to modern day pastors while we at it! Some of them slinging more pussy than your favorite rapper!? Nothing touches a woman nor awakens the flesh more like a good scripture!?? I know I’m on one today and trust me I wish I wasn’t. But seriously, what are we women to do? Where to go? Who to seek? Do I aim to be in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights like Jesus did and pray on it? But won’t the temptation of a worthless man only wanting sex still be there?! I need someone to answer me because I’m at a lost for words! I thought the “snap chat me that pussy” aka the younger generation was bad but now grandpa and his crew?! Not to mention…they are not part of the “snap chat me that pussy” generation so where the fuck did they get this behavior from?! Are we women (single AND married because some of y’all married to unreformed dogs) forever doomed? I still believe in men and know there are good ones out there. My brother, Junior, is one and my best friend, Zack, along with most of my close male friends are great husbands (from what I can see). I refuse to believe that a dirty dog is all there is left in life for women of ALL ages to date. I feel it for grandma and them’s generation but I’m even more worried and disheartened for my generation…~KJM on Hump Day saying Viagra’s stock must be fucking rising! ? Disclaimer: Papa Michaels could not (more like would not) be reached for a quote on men in his generation!?
A Baby Will Keep Him?!!! (The Where Do They Do That At Edition)
Okay this another one of those blogs that is going to get me side eyes, rolled eyes, and maybe a downright middle finger! But it’s Charm School Monday and I refuse to not learn a damn thing today! Now let me start off with a few disclaimers since lately folks have been up in arms thinking that I’m writing about them: 1. Reading articles, other blogs, and letters sent anonymously to the writer Zane inspired today’s post and 2. I am by far not perfect and have too been a fool for love. With that said, let’s get to tackling this foolishness! Since I’m deep into Life Style blogging I’m always reading stories on other women. In the last couple of weeks, a few common themes have been popping up that baffle the fuck out of me…even with my 20 years of dating experience. Here are the Top 4 Where The Fuck Do They Do That At…Awww Hell Naws: 4. WOMEN FIGHTING/KILLING OTHER WOMEN OVER A MAN! Girlfriend, where is your mama? Was she actively in your life because one of the first lessons she should have laid into your ass when you hit the dating phase is that NO MAN is worth losing your freedom nor your life!?? I will never understand why women blame other women (who don’t know them) for their man cheating! The man made you promises and/or took vows…not the side chick or new woman in his life! I cannot express this enough…if she is not your family or friend…that woman owes you nothing!!! CHECK YOUR MAN! I’ve been cheated on many times and never dared to have any conversation with another woman. My foot went up my man’s ass!!! Figuratively speaking of course but I’m hoping with that visual…you feel me! When I see a woman trying to fight or kill another woman over a man…I begin to think she got to have a mental illness!!! Like I need to see her diagnosed with something (not that I think that’s a good excuse as there are many mentally ill people who don’t hurt others). But it’s still hard for me to believe that a SANE woman (of any age) would be out in these cold and deadly streets trying to fight/kill over a man!!! I know being dicked whipped is a thing…SEE all my blogs about my college lover Crazy but even with Crazy sleeping with half of Penn State’s female population (while we were dating….I’m sure) I ain’t never step to no chick about him! Now some did step to me but he quickly put them in check! No real man would want to put his woman in harms way…even some dirty dogs got their limits! Ladies, get your shit together! And just go get you a new man! With that being said, Rest In Peace Kendra…another senseless act that made national headlines! Jesus be a fence for her child, family, and friends!?? 3. FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING A MAN…INDEFINITELY! Now let me say that I do not believe in financially supporting a boyfriend under almost any circumstances but I’m sure there’s some good exceptions out there. For me to hand over my hard earned coins to a man…he better be related to me or be my husband who has had my back through thick and thin! Some women love to baby their men to the point they cutting up his meat at dinner and buying the draws he wears! When y’all going to learn to let a man be a man? Then these same crazy and controlling women get mad…years later…when that same man is too lazy to work, take care of his children, AND fuck them! Well what did you expect? You were raising a boy and you shouldn’t have been raising anyone!!! If my man is temporarily on his face and he’s working hard to get back on his feet then I got him but I’m not going to be no damn ATM permanently for him nor am I going to keep making excuses for him when he isn’t willingly pulling his weight! Hold onto your hats for this one…some women even support their man’s cheating habits!!! Seriously, where the fuck do they do that at?! If he ain’t got no job, lives with you, and got time to cheat…guess who is footing the bill for all of that fuckery?!!! YOU! Just go SAT down somewhere because you are really embarrassing the female gender right now! Making it look like we don’t know a cock from a hole!!!! 2. MOVING A MAN INTO YOUR PLACE! Now I would never marry a man who I didn’t live with first! However, if I was seriously dating a man, we already talked about marriage, and we now decided the time was right to move in together…we would have to find OUR place. If either one of us already owned property, this may end up being a different scenario because in this current housing market, depending on where you live, selling a house isn’t easy much less the stress of buying another one. And if he’s a home owner…chances are you are dealing with an independent man. I’m not speaking about those men. I’m talking about the ones that just left their mama’s house or their last girlfriend’s house AND have never lived alone! A man should always be a man and have his own. He should have learned to pay bills and balance his checkbook long before you move in with him! If a man has never been independent…then living off of you will be easy! Now I’m not saying there aren’t things we as women will still have to teach men…but if you shacked up with one that can’t teach you a damn thing….you really living with your SON! ??1. HAVING BABIES IN HOPES OF KEEPING A MAN! Now this one really blows my fucking mind! It’s 2016 and there are still women out there who think having a child for a man will guarantee he will be theirs forever?! Where do they really do that at?! I try not to judge but when I see a woman with 4, 5, or more different baby daddies…I stop in my tracks! Or even if you have the same father for all the kids…you on baby number 6 for him…yet he never even took care of baby number 1?! Y’all must think I’m stuck on stupid! One child equals one mistake for a man that’s a deadbeat! Newsflash…a baby is one of the fastest ways to lose a man…not that a woman’s sole purpose in life should be keeping a man. What I’m learning from the current state of reality tv is you could be the “baddest bitch” and have cum coming out your ears while you go front ways and side ways with every chick your man suggests…and his ass will still cheat and/or leave you! What makes a man love and respect a woman…only that man knows. No level of freakiness nor a baby is going to force him to stay! What kills me is when these same women throw shade on Father’s Day knowing damn well from the jump they were laying with a deadbeat!!!! “Y’all gon make me lose my mind up in here!” ~KJM on Charm School Monday dropping knowledge! And don’t think all of these hell naws apply to only young women! I know some grown ass women about this life and then some! Smdh!??
Higher Elevation In Your New Season (Welcome To Autumn Edition Part 2)
Remember that you cannot take everyone into your new season! Some are meant to get left behind and you shouldn’t feel bad about it. That’s growth! They have served their purpose in a past season and now life must go on. To get to a higher elevation you cannot think nor act like you did when you were at sea level! Soar into your new season!?? ~KJM dropping you a little line of inspiration on what is now Serenity Sundays❤️
Love Can Bloom In Any Season (Welcome To Autumn Edition)Â
Happy Serenity Saturday! I hope and pray that each of you take some time out in the weekend to rest and rejuvenate. I know I definitely am. Last year, exactly around this time, I made September the beginning of my season of change. It was my NYE…early and it felt great. I left the Ex Factor and took Elijah up on his promising offer to be my man AND I started this blog! A year later, I left Elijah, still love the Ex Factor (even though I no longer believe he is THE ONE…if there is ever such a thing), AND I fell deeply in love with my blog and being a lifestyle blogger. I’ve definitely come full circle in a very unexpected way. Before I tell you what I’ve been wanting to share with you since yesterday, I want to update you on the Ex Factor and I. We still speak daily but ever since our last huge argument I’ve accepted the fact that I am in love with a FRIEND (the Ex Factor) and that’s all we will ever be. Don’t be sad for me. I tried very hard but if you aren’t the one for someone you just aren’t! So here I am in the beginning of another new season and no clue what to expect! If you remember from my earlier blogs, “I was crying and praying on the train minutes before Elijah introduced himself to me.” I thought he was bringing me a God sent new love and it just didn’t turn out that way. Elijah doesn’t even believe in God which is a huge deal breaker for me. I now know for certain that there is nothing in my past that will bring me true and everlasting love…so I look to the future…not searching…but always praying. And so I begin…prayed up in my new season. Now for why I’m writing this blog. Yesterday, in the nail salon, I met several interesting and fascinating women. One stuck out to me and we spoke the longest…as we were there for several hours. ? I truly believe that God puts random people in our lives at random moments to teach us a quick lesson or give us a reminder. The woman to my right, the one I spoke to the longest, was in her 40s and will be getting married for the first time…THIS November….to HER HIGH SCHOOL SWEETHEART!!!?? She said they stayed friends for over 20 years and realized they are the love of each other’s lives! Even with the wedding so close, she refuses to be a brideszilla nor get stressed out about some things not turning out the way she wanted. She said as long as it’s her and him at the altar…everything will be perfect! Love love love that! I hope her statement helps some upcoming brides calm their cool! It’s really about the everlasting love!!! Isn’t it wonderful that two people could meet so early in life and be there for each other for most of their adult lives (as friends) and now will be wed as husband and wife! Truly inspirational! This is the reason why waiting for our time (or God’s time…in my eyes) is so important. Sometimes I get so frustrated that I have to patiently wait for my careers to take off AND I have to patiently wait on true, loyal, trustworthy, and everlasting love!!! Most of the time I’m singing the “WHY ME” blues!? However, meeting this lady in the nail salon reminded me of why I need to wait on my season. Rushing God’s timing is never a good thing. So I wait and I wait…smiling…knowing that God’s promise is so faithful that two people HE brought together survived life’s ups and downs and are still choosing each other!?? Elijah was not the new season of love that I hoped for but that doesn’t mean my new season of love isn’t on its way. And isn’t everlasting love worth the wait? If you are single and waiting with me…don’t give up hope! One of us is about to cross over (be married to the love of her life after patiently waiting) and you just never know when it will be your turn! To Rasheeda, I say…God bless you and your fiancé! Kingston Expressions is sending good vibes, long lasting love, and an eternity of laughs your way! Thank you so much for sharing your story with me!? ~KJM on Serenity Saturday…saying welcome to your new season! Welcome to Autumn!?
ONE Year Anniversary Podcast Series THANK YOU!??
Around 4:30am today, I dropped the 5th and final podcast series episode for my one year anniversary of being a lifestyle blogger! Y’all better catch up! I really want to say thank you to my performers: Alexis Skyy (West Coast), Scarlet (Australia), Grace (The South), and Nicole (Jamaica) for bringing my work to life! I am both honored and humbled! Shout out to Davincii Productions for letting me use your beats and ANS Studios for mixing this masterpiece! Words can’t describe how grateful I am to my producer, Loyalist, for taking a small idea and making it LARGER THAN LIFE! I am so proud of this series! Thank you so much, Loyalist, for seeing it through and going through every single detail and concern with me!? To the Michaels family, this ride is so crazy! Thank you guys for encouraging me along the way! Love you Mommy and Daddy!? Special shout out to the ToiTime blog for all the support! Lastly, but not really last, I want to thank all my readers and listeners! Please give me some feedback on the series on this post. The writing portion comes naturally to me (as I’m standing up in a subway train writing this) but the execution of the podcast series was no easy feat. Stepping into the booth and being in a studios for the first time with professionals like Loyalist and ANS and performing my parts live while getting constructive criticism wasn’t easy! Shout out to all the artists who do this every day! I tip my hat off to you!?? Please feel free to share all the podcasts from KJM’s Facebook page or any of my other PUBLIC social networks! Stay tuned because you never know what Kingston Expressions will do next! And I’m out! ~KJM on Hump Day saying God is so faithful!??
Episode 4: DEATH TO THE BAD BITCH by Kingston Jael Michaels
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
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Written by Kingston Jael Michaels, Performed by Alexis Skyy, Beats by Davincii Productions, Produced by Loyalist, and Engineered by ANS Studios.
Back To The Land Of Pimps And Hoes (Corporate America): The Half Assed Employee Wanting A Promotion
It’s been a while but you knew sooner or later we were going to take another spin in The Land Of Pimps And Hoes (Corporate America)! Here at Kingston Expressions we are serious about our coins so any tips we can pass on to help you get your coins up…we damn sure will! Now we all know someone at work who gets paid to virtually do NOTHING! Sometimes that person is our boss! But I’m not going to go there just yet! Lately, I’ve been witnessing some really lazy behavior in all areas of work and/or customer service. I know someone who works a front desk job for a major corporation that sits on her fat pussy (she’s actually tiny but I need to paint you a picture of where I’m going). This chick barely wants to answer the phones much less questions from other employees in the office. ALL her coworkers complain about her laziness as they pick up the slack and do the work she couldn’t bother herself to do! Cute looks is fine and all but why the fuck come to work if you just going to sit on your “fat” pussy and not do jack shit? The only job I know you can willingly do that at and it’s acceptable is….NONE!!! Even Strippers got to twerk for their FUCKING lives if they want their coins to turn into solid dollars! No one should be stripping for fun in this damn economy! If you gonna do “bad” you better work hard at it and have a house, car, and a damn college degree paid for in CASH while having your down payment ready for your starting your own business! Don’t be getting ashy ankles and a bad name at the strip club for nothing! Get them coins and have a fucking business plan!!!! But I digress! Now back to Miss “fat” pussy….chick….even prostitutes got to work hard for their money! If busting a nut in your face gonna cost 200 extra for a john…you best believe a hoe better put on a good show! Now y’all know I will take it there and play devil’s advocate to make a point. Definitely not promoting prostitution! But if you want to excel at anything in life and keep excelling…you have to fucking work for it! I AM TALKING TO GENERATION Y NOW! To the “snap chat me that pussy generation” aka the social media generation….y’all are coming off as lazy, uninspired, spoiled, flashy with nothing to really flash, and just plain dumb no matter how many degrees/trades y’all got! I’ve been working in this country since I was 14 years old. The summers I wasn’t working….I was assisting my family with raising kids. I am from the school of the hard knocks and lazy just isn’t a thing. Now I’m not saying that some of those people working down at the DMV since I got my license at 18…weren’t lazy. The same chick walks up and down the line that’s usually 3 blocks down, rude, unenthusiastic, barely willing to answer questions, and yet has job security! ? But she is not the symbol of my generation! She is the exception! Back to Miss “fat” pussy. If you haven’t guessed by now…I call her that because she must think that that’s the only reason she got a job! It can’t be for her skills?! I am firm believer that whatever your current job is…you work hard at it for two important reasons: 1. Great work ethics learned early on will advance you at a company or give you the tools you need to be a successful entrepreneur! And 2. You never know who is watching you and what great opportunities you may land just by the virtue of your ambition and how hard you are willing to work! It boggles my mind that some of these half assed (lazy) employees complain about not having a better job and actually think they deserve a better job…just by the virtue of them saying so! Let me get this straight…you have been mopping floors at McDonald’s for 8 years, still not mopping under the table and chairs, only mopping the parts of the floor your boss can see, AND STILL haven’t been promoted to make fries or to cashier?! Get the fuck out of here?! ? You must be slow! Have you never heard of “hustle hard…closed mouths don’t get fed on the boulevard?!” Yea I’m trying hard to relate to these younger lazy folks. Even some rap songs tell y’all to get off your asses and WORK! The crazy thing is…in this economy when it’s an employers’ market….how the fuck do you still have your job?!!!!! I may need to be asking your employer this very same question! I came to this country off of family members cleaning shit and working in factories! No way I can be lazy with all the sacrifices that were made for me…before and after I was old enough to know!?? I am forever grateful to my parents, the Michaels, for sacrificing everything for my well being and my education! I can only hope…I continue to make them proud!!! Even if you have been given everything in life and no sacrifices were made for you…shouldn’t you want to aim to be a better person than you were yesterday? Find whatever that motivates you and become a better employee/boss! Some of us are just sick and tired of doing our work along with yours while only collecting one sorry paycheck! “Please check yourself before you wreck yourself!” Lawd…young folks Google that one! But get your shit together! I know the unemployment line is no longer a physical one but even the virtual online one isn’t pleasant! Remember that someone else would kill for the opportunities you have! Also, remember to dress AND work for the job you want…not the job you have! Aim high! ~KJM rolling through the land of pimps and hoes on Charm School Monday! This is a great time to shout out those strippers in big cities who own their own house and car AND have a degree with no student loans balance!?? I am not knocking what you do but will knock some of y’all for going against the status quo without having anything to show for it! Shout out to my Daddy for keeping me off the poles…cause y’all know you can’t be doing that shit if you have a loving and caring Daddy that raised you! No ma’am! You can’t! Lol!
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