Happy Charm School Monday! Before I begin, I want to stress a few things. First, today’s blog is not for people who suffer from depression and chronic anxiety. Please seek professional help if you do have these medical conditions! Second, I am not a psychologist so everything I’m writing today is just my opinion…more like my analysis of my own life. Lastly, my personal experiences may not be yours. With all that being said…let’s jump into today’s topic! Last night, a friend of mine posted a YouTube clip of a guy (will post link at the end of the blog) talking about anxiety in a way I never did. He said that we have blindspots and sometimes our anxiety is protecting us from things that can hurt us. ANXIETY MAY BRING SAFETY! For years, there’s one task that every time I try to do it…my anxiety acts up and I abort the mission. My mind tells me the mission has to be right but my body reacts severely to that notion. At first I thought…I’m just not strong enough to do what I need to do and would get frustrated at myself. Why am I not stronger? That’s what I would keep asking myself as I cried all night. I never saw anxiety as a sign of possible strength (once again this is referring to being anxious in an isolated situation not life itself). It was always a sign of weakness for me. Then my shame and embarrassment would set in. It never occurred to me that my anxiety may be protecting me from harm (hidden in a blind spot) that even my overactive mind could not foresee! ?? What a freeing thought! I am not weak. I am human and I’ve been battling this issue for so long. Maybe it’s time to stop beating myself up about things I cannot control. This step…I am not ready for or it may really not be the right thing to do…my anxiety tells me so because when something’s right…no matter how hard it is to do…we lay at peace knowing it’s right for us. And I just don’t know that for sure. I only know what my prideful mind tells me…. The YouTube guy did point out that while our anxiety may be keeping us safe…we cannot thrive in life this way. We stay SAFE but STUCK! ?? Stuck is actually the word I use when I describe the situation to friends. Trapped. Stuck in place. This is not the safety I desire. I desire a safe and secure love that makes me feel unstuck. A love that makes me feel…FREE! ~KJM on Charm School Monday. Here’s the link to the YouTube clip I was referring to: https://www.facebook.com/mastinkipp/videos/1716030051795514/
Anxiety And Blindspots
by admin