As the holidays are upon us…so is the start of divorce season for the celebrities! While us not famous folks should not base our lives and relationships on what celebrities do, it is mind boggling that some of them can’t even stay married for a year! I mean they have money and to be honest money solves about 75% of us common folks problems. Shoot…with no student loans I may consider having a family because I can now have it all without stressing over a debt that haunts most of us! ?? But I digress. As each celebrity couple announces their splits, I can’t help but wonder…if they can’t make it…can any of us? I don’t know what the divorce rate currently is but last I checked it was still pretty damn high (close to 50%). So if money cannot buy love…are we all on borrowed time with our romantic interests? Probably. You see money can’t stop abuse, infidelity, disrespect, and drug addiction. Cash does not rule those things. Anyone…celebrity or not…can be subjected to those harms that tear many of our families apart. ?? It’s hard for us normal folk to believe that a celebrity can be in a domestic violence relationship but it occurs more often than we think! ? Even if a woman has more access to resources than the average woman, it does not mean that she won’t be ashamed to be subjected to the abuse and it certainly won’t mean that she won’t stay in it too! ? But I digress again for this blog is not about domestic violence. FOREVER is a relative word. Most of us await the promise of forever but it’s highly likely very few will get to it. Depressing…I know! ? So what’s the upside? LIFE GOES ON! ?? I have a good amount of friends on their second marriages and most are very happy. Instead of focusing on the promises of forever…wouldn’t it be better to focus on getting through today successfully? This means that twenty years from now….none of us have a way of knowing if our love for our spouses will survive. Even some of the most favored couples have split. We all know a couple that seemed perfect for each other but did not make it. Love is a risk just like anything else that is good in life. No one knows what the sands of time brings. You only know that you are going to be together forever…when you actually get to forever. Even thirty years in, some couples split…finding that they had not been in love for a while and were just staying together for the sake of their now grown children. It’s heartbreaking and it’s rough on all involved but maybe if we took the pressure off of loving each other for eternity…we may just get through the next couple of decades! And check it…even if you and your spouse manage to stay in love forever…it still does not mean you will be together forever! Marriage (so I have heard) takes so much more than romantic love! And the struggle is just as real for those of us that are choosing life long partners that we may not marry. Everything in life has a season. Money cannot guarantee that a couple will last every season! ?? This is going to sound crazy but the thought that forever is a relative word and many may not make it to there actually brings me comfort. Why? Because finally I can work on silencing the folks who say I’m running out of time to achieve certain things in my personal life. I can just live. I can just breathe….being confident in the fact that my love for me, myself, and I is the thing that has the greatest chance of surviving into eternity. ? I can just be. In no rush. Enjoying what I have now. Not worrying about things that no one (but God) can promise for tomorrow. And to love on my own terms. ~KJM on FlashbackFriday.
Does Anyone Make It To Forever? (The Money Can’t Buy Love Edition)
by admin
Truth. I just say my intentions are to be forever. But no one knows the future. I know we fight daily in a good way to make Love last forever and the fight is still worth it. When it’s not we will cross that path. But it is sadly divorce season all around for celebrities and those who are not too.
That’s all you can do. Fight to make Love last forever. The height of divorce season typically starts after the holidays…so it’s crazy to see folks are starting early… Thanks for your incite. ~KJM