OPINIONS! We are all guilty of giving them when no one asked us to…including myself! ?If we were specifically asked for our opinion and we give it…and end up pissing off the person who asked…that’s different! THEY ASKED! This blog is for the folks that no one asked them a thing but they felt the need to way in on other’s lives. ? To those folks I say…who asked you to put your two cents in? Are you perfect? Accidentally had a conversation with a new friend yesterday and she let it be known that she felt how I was dealing with the mess that’s going on around me is wrong. ? And I definitely did not ask her opinion. Now she was not speaking on my personal life because we all know that’s a hot got damn mess! ? I don’t even try to figure it out. I just breathe and let Jesus take the wheel! ? But I digress… The thing that hurt me was she was texting all this stuff when she sees me on a daily basis and could have rudely made her personal thoughts known in person. Through text (I’ve learned with the Ex Factor) tone and intention are lost. Those two things are so important when trying to communicate with someone…especially someone we care about. Text jacks up communication for sure. Much is lost…like empathy. ?? I had to learn this lesson the hard way. ? Why do we all feel the need to control other people’s lives and behaviors?! Why do we bother when we all have our own crap to clean up?! There isn’t one person I know that I would trade places with in life. We have all taken shit at one time or another. Then many of us finally find a way to defend ourselves. But how you defend yourself and how you protect yourself is your choice. Me as your friend, if a true friend, must just listen and support (even if it’s from afar because things are so crazy). No need to be at the pulpit making up your own Ten Commandments! Leave the God stuff…to GOD! ?? We are all humans who make mistakes! No one is perfect. Perhaps we all need a brush up course in friendship because for me…this behavior is unacceptable! And I sure did call her out on it too! Each decision in life that we make must be our own so that if and when consequences come…we can deal with it like grown adults. ?? ~KJM on Throwback Thursday. Please keep me in your prayers. ?
The Need To Control (The Your Opinion Was Not Requested Edition)
by admin