Happy Charm School Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and managed to beat the heat! Randomly…I had a three day weekend in which I did myself a favor and stayed inside for most of the weekend. I am rested! And before this week’s work stress turns me into my normal crazy self…I’m helping you kick off your Monday just right! It seems here at Kingston Expressions we enjoy flashing back when it’s not actually flashback Friday! But as long as there’s a lesson to be learned…it’s worth going back in time when needed! Last night, Grace and I were talking about early January 2016 when Elijah unexpectedly ended one of our late night text conversations with the words “love you.” For the record, even then, I didn’t think Elijah was IN love with me but I figured he was trying to signal a change in our relationship. Maybe wanting to know where my feelings were as I was always holding back from the beginning. I saw the “love you” at around 10:30pm on January 10, 2016. Surprised and startled, I headed to bed without responding. The next morning at 4:27am, yes I know the exact time because I still have the “love you” screen shot photo on my phone, I text Nicole and Grace frantically! Like what did this mean? It had only been 3.5 months since we had been dating. And even that short time period had been filled with so much ups and downs. Elijah pumping the breaks in November…me pumping the breaks every other month! I knew I was not in love with him but when I dropped the news on Tiffany and she said that it was too soon for Elijah to be saying “love you”….I defended Elijah’s right to do so. No one knows the minute nor the hour someone falls in love but that person and God! But truth be told, in this case, Tiffany was right! I was scared shitless because this whole thing could blow up in my face and ruin my new romance! While I waited for Nicole and Grace to tell me how to respond….I did respond to Elijah in the morning by saying good morning and telling him I was on my way to work. He replied right away…mind you this was at 6am. So I knew he had been waiting for my reply since the night before! I never actually responded to the “love you” until maybe 2 weeks later. While trying to find the right words of what I wanted to say, I took a poll from my male and female friends. My female friends said there was a big difference between “I love you” and “love you.” The first signifies being IN love while the latter signifies having love for a person! This brought me some comfort. Like I cared about Elijah and wanted to work things out but I didn’t want this “love you” thing to set us back. The guys said there’s no difference for men! Love you is the same as I love you! The reason for this is both my brother and my best friend reminded me that men are simple creatures! No decent man would open up that Pandora’s box for shits and giggles! Matter of fact…men try to avoid those words all together especially if they don’t know if the woman loves them! Wow…men and women are so different! Come to think of it…I’ve used love you a few times and didn’t mean IN Love….with Crazy, with my college sweetheart though we both knew I didn’t mean it and he made me take it back, and you now know…with Elijah. Grace explained to me that I couldn’t leave him hanging on such a huge topic…no matter how he meant it! “Sometimes you have to use love as Jesus loves us and pray that love will come,” is what Grace suggested! She’s pretty wise and I didn’t want to lose Elijah so I returned the exact “love you” randomly two weeks later. On our next date night…I straight up asked Elijah if he meant what he said. First, he pretended not to know what I was referring to…then his eyes focused in on me (like he was trying to see into my soul) and then he got a huge smile on his face….and in that moment….he kissed me and that was the last of it. We never spoke about it again. I think…he just wanted to know that…I was with him…breathing him, living for him, and loving him in some capacity…in that very moment. I don’t think either one of us thought the other was IN love but we understood that we both wanted to move forward. Even though things didn’t work out with Elijah, I honestly tried my hardest with him. I’m not sure what he wanted and maybe he didn’t know either. So when I see him avoiding me when we are on mutual turf…I get so confused. I’ve always been cordial and professional. Very few people in our professional circle even know we dated. Our lives went on as if we never dated. It’s been 4 and a half months since I ended things with Elijah. I thought I gave him what he wanted….there’s no way he could truly love and care for me the way he treated me. He literally left me soaked in the rain and I could no longer fight for something that wasn’t meant to be. If we had been IN love…that would have been a different story. I would have replied to all his messages from this summer! But we weren’t IN love so all is lost. If we had been in love…his “hi and how are you’s” would have been enough for me to say lets work on it. But we weren’t IN love and since we were never friends…there seemed no reason to even respond to Elijah. He never poured his heart out in any of the messages! Instead…he sent out what I like to call…feelers. Like is she still interested? But he didn’t come for me like a man in love…ready to fight for us. And with his mature age and life experiences…he should have known that that’s what it would have taken to get some sort of response out of me! Before I go today…I do want to, however, say that Elijah taught me so much about myself. When it was just he and I…it was just us…a first for me. I was open and trying but it just seemed like we both needed something or someone else. I named him Elijah because he represented hope to me. I will never forget those walks and kisses in the rain. Will never forget his firm grip when he use to pull me close and kiss me. Won’t forget the few laughs we had. Mostly, I won’t forget the “love you” coming at a time I had already waited 5 and a half years for the man I truly loved, the Ex Factor, to say it to me! Elijah’s “love you” kept me going and surprisingly kept me open to the Ex Factor when he finally used those words in May. It remains to be seen how the Ex Factor meant it….~KJM on Charm School Monday saying I’m not sure what the proper response is to a “love you” too soon or an “I love you” too soon for that matter! Have a deep talk with your mind and your heart and then figure out how to proceed. I did what I thought was best at the time…
When The “I Love You” Leaves You Feeling Blue! (Too Soon To Say Edition)
by admin
Tiffany is wise!?
Yes she is! Lol