I know it’s been a while since you have heard from me. Lots have been going on but I have not abandoned my readers. After my final love letter to the ex factor….I officially entered “the wait.” This is a time period where one feels ready to excel but only GOD can put them in motion. Until then, we are patiently waiting and preparing ourselves. Some people forever stay in “the wait” stage. In order for you to understand why, let me be clear on something…the waiting period is a time to strengthen your faith…not doubt God. If you doubt His ability, He will keep you waiting. Common mistakes people make in this time period are to get jealous of others’ success, get bitter, get angry, and constantly compare their lives to others. The wait is different for each person. With it comes many test and testimonies. It’s the time when you learn what kind of spouse, family member, boss, and friend you were meant to be amongst other things. It is a time to be humble. A time of prayer and meditation. If you let any type of negative energy consume you…you may forever be…waiting. The wait is not for the tired and weary. It’s for the energized and faithful spirits. Sometimes you may be called to abandon everything you once held dear to you and TRUST that GOD’s promise to you is greater than anything you dreamed up. I woke up two days ago with my heart full and smiling. Patience is my weakness but once I acknowledged that I am in the waiting period…I’ve no choice but to patiently wait. He is an “on time God” which is almost never to be an on our time God. So I wait and I pray and I hope and I keep the faith….and I smile. Won’t you join me in “the wait?” ~KJM on Throwback Thursday saying thanks for waiting on me to write this blog?
The Wait
by admin
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