Typically I do not blog about celebrities here at Kingston Expressions. The one exception to that rule is when their lives happen to go with a current theme I’m writing about. Today I want to talk a little about the rumor that Keisha Knight-Pulliam and Ed Hartwell are getting a divorce after 7 months of marriage. First, let me say that I have never been married so I won’t pretend to know nor speculate what happened. Second, I’m praying for them both…especially Keisha since she recently announced that she is pregnant with her first child. Lastly, I pray that they either find a way to reconcile or find their true happiness wherever it may lie. Now to the good stuff! What I want to talk about today is the time period prior to them getting married…the courtship! According to blogs like Bossip, Keisha had been dating Big Tigger for years, they split, and 4 months after dating former NFL Football Player, Ed Hartwell, her and Ed had a SURPRISE New Year’s Eve Wedding (just 7 months ago). Let’s back up before the SURPRISE! I do not know what happened between Keisha and Big Tigger…but I sure know what it feels like to be on and off with a man that hasn’t seriously committed! Some days I feel like throwing a brick through the Ex Factor’s window…metaphorically of course. ? 6 years on and off and like we have only taken baby steps. He’s young as fuck so I’m trying to learn patience. Nahhh actually let me keep it all the way the fuck real! I’ve left his ass so many times for other men (like Elijah) with better resumes, more money, and ready to commit. In that shitty process, I learned the motherfucking grass is brown with patches on the other side!!!! Now I’m not saying that I’ve given up on the fact that there may be a greater love for me than the Ex Factor nor the fact that I deserve way more!!! What I’m saying is I’ve learned that not everything that glitters is gold boo! I have run up on so much fake jewelry that I’m skipping the PAWN shop and am running to the PORN shop because at least it’s somewhat entertaining unlike the life I found without the Ex Factor!!! Another lesson I learned is you can trick your mind but you damn sure can’t trick your heart into thinking you can replace one man with another!!! I can always get me a new man but is the pending marriage about who I am getting married to or just getting married period! Like do I know a thing about the person I am marrying? Did we go into it prepared to do the WORK? Or did I just get caught up in the fact that this man could commit?! I’m not judging because lawd knows I’ve been there and with my old ways creeping up on me…could be back there soon!? No one is saying wait for a man to commit forever! Damn sure not saying that!!! But be patient with yourself and him. We are on GOD’s time not ours! When we rush HIS plan our lives become a hot mess! Speaking from experience here! I would only do marriage because I found the man I want to love/hate for the rest of my life! Not just because a man can commit! He could be committing my ass straight to hell in a hand basket and that’s the truth!!! Mr. Toss Salad is a prime example of this!!! I pray for Keisha and Ed as they go through this process publicly! It is already getting messy as he is requesting a paternity test! Now that’s another topic for another time. But now let me put this brick down and go text this fool and get my shit together! Jesus be a fence because the struggle is real…and so is this brick! ??~KJM dropping an unexpected blog on Hump Day!?
Long Term Boo Wouldn’t Commit So She Jumped Ship…Right Into Some Shit
by admin
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