I’ve been purposely and intentionally thinking about what I wanted my first official post of the New Year to be. As the first day of 2016 went on, one by one I would see people making fun of others that are making New Year’s resolutions. To those people I say…I’m so glad you didn’t need “A New Year/New Me” to be a different person! But did you know that some of your brothers and sisters are battling depression? Yes, that’s why they desperately needed a New Year to fight for their New Me! Yet I’m so glad you didn’t need “A New Year/New Me!” However, did you know that some of your brothers and sisters are fighting addictions? That’s why they so needed January 1, 2016 to regain control of their lives! Yet I’m so glad you didn’t need “A New Year/New Me!” But did you know that some of your sisters spent 2015 being beaten and raped…left to die in despair! I guess you never thought about them because you didn’t need “A New Year/New Me” to give you hope. I’m so proud of you for not needing to set resolutions and for always being a New You everyday. Perhaps you need to take the rest of 2016 to learn how to think of others and to speak life into your brothers and sisters. Please learn humility in 2016. Matter of fact, get your pen and paper out….the old negative you has already seeped into 2016. Looks like you may really need to make some resolutions after all…start with “A New Year A New Me.” We all have to start somewhere! ~KJM dropping some serious knowledge on the FIRST DAY of 2016! Be blessed my friends! And speak life into one another or just don’t speak at all!
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