My main focus right now is getting Episode 6 of the podcast series shared with the public. (Please share on all your social networks and introduce others to KJM). Today, however, I wanted to give you guys something to think about before I resume my daily blogging. Randomly, a thought flooded my mind yesterday. Besides not being willing to physically become pregnant (I’m thinking forever)…the second reason why I cannot fathom being a mom is because pregnancy, typically, links a woman to a man forever! I still cannot picture myself having to be with one man for the rest of my life nor having to deal with him forever if things do not work out! It was always my plan to have different loves in the many phases of my life. Julio was my “puppy love” phase and now the Ex Factor is the “I must have lost my damn mind…first adult yet childish love” phase! I am actually counting on the third love to see me through the success of building my empire! Yea if you haven’t noticed…I am currently awaiting that third love…also known as BOAZ!? Why await BOAZ and the possible loves after him? Because….it is to be expected that people will fail you! By definition…humans are flawed. I expect the disappointments and dismiss the few moments they come through. I am a realist. Never played with Barbie. Never trusted Ken. Never believed that there is just ONE forever love out there. Now this doesn’t mean there isn’t a forever love for me…it just means that if and when I meet him it will be like witnessing Moses part the Red Sea!? I’m open to marriage (well only since I turned 34) because there is such a thing as divorce! And I always need an exit plan! This is why I lose it when folks say they can’t wait for me to have a baby! I see a baby as a sort of death sentence for MYSELF. Definitely not others. What I need to feel alive is so different from what many need! I feel so bad for saying that but it’s true. Auntie Kingston loves the kids…as long as they aren’t hers! Lol. My entire 20s people told me I would change my mind but I’m 35 now and I feel even more serious about my stance. Of course, there’s my plan and God’s plan so we shall all stay tuned! For now I’m loving my freedom and my marriage to this blog! In the meantime…I am staying up nights and waking up extra early to give birth to this blog. And that is who Kingston Jael Michaels is at this point in her life! ~KJM confessing some of my deepest thoughts on Hump Day. P.S. This all explains my intense attraction to the Ex Factor. With his age (26) and his current state of mind (non serious commitment)…I don’t have to venture into places where I would have to ask myself some deep seeded questions on my stance on marriage and family. I can just stand in time…wastefully…with him. However, I do complain because I would like a bit more than what we have. But if you ask him…he thinks I want to be married tomorrow! He focuses on my age and not my words/actions. Silly rabbit??Shout out to all my friends that have been listening to me complain and whine about the Ex Factor for the last 6 years. And for those of you who were down with me since the Julio days….I really apologize! Lol. I am a work in progress!?
Hump Day Confession (The Future Of My Right To Not Reproduce Edition)
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