There is no better day to get in touch with my ignorant side than Temptation Tuesday! ?? Last night, my brother, Junior, and his girl of almost three years, Vanessa, came to visit me at my new apartment. ? They were my first official guests…meaning they weren’t coming by to unpack a box nor set up furniture. ? They were just there for pure entertainment but I was the one entertained after a conversation about my brother’s ex, Maria, came up. Apparently, for years, Maria has been calling Junior…crying and begging him to take her back. Once, at the beginning of his relationship with Vanessa, my brother made the mistake of entertaining getting back with Maria but he confessed to Vanessa and she (surprisingly so) set my brother and his ex girl straight! ???? The interesting thing about Vanessa is she is a junior scientist and generally very laid back. To me, she’s been the most observant and smartest (as far as how to interact with our family) out of all my brother’s girlfriends. She never wears out her welcome, never gets into family mess, and stays low profile. From the outside, she may seem timid but when you see her interact with Junior…you can tell she’s a passionate firecracker. ?? I like that about her. A man can never reach greatness if he has a weak woman next to him. ?? Vanessa and my brother were friends first (while dating others) before they got together. So Vanessa is aware that Maria was considered Junior’s great love. I beg to differ but who am I to have an opinion when my love life is like one big toilet flush after the other! ? But I digress… Knowing that Junior and Maria had a deep history filled with a painful bond, Vanessa stepped on the scene to win Junior’s heart and it appears she did that…with an iron fist…after that one slip up. ?? As the evening went on, we filled my rather large living room with laughter. One thing I found amusing that the happy couple did not…was my brother’s need to still pick up Maria’s crying phone calls. According to Vanessa, Maria has been calling for years saying she’s going to kill herself in hopes of pulling on my brother’s heartstrings with every phone call. This pisses Vanessa off to no end. She kept asking “why the fuck do you still pick up your ex’s phone calls?” Not to mention at least two of them sorry bitches still call him asking for another chance! ? Vanessa let my brother know that when they get engaged, she’s shutting down the Maria hotline…like a wife to be should! ?? R.E.S.P.E.C.T. ?????? I could not stop laughing at my brother’s love life! Lol. In Junior’s defense, Maria has had a very traumatic life after she left him. She is in the throes of a domestic violence relationship that is slowly killing her everyday coupled with some serious health issues. ? So Maria’s situation is serious and my brother does not want her to hurt herself. That’s one of the main reasons why he still takes her calls. However, Vanessa’s point is that Maria needs professional help and Junior (Vanessa’s man) ain’t that help. ✌?Not to mention Vanessa is wondering if these threats are in fact real because every time Junior calls Maria’s family alerting them of the situation…Maria calls my brother back cussing him out! ? So in Vanessa’s mind…Maria is just looking for attention! ?Now let me be clear about something….SUICIDE IS NO JOKE and neither are suicide attempts! With that being said…that Maria has always been a scammer! She knows she’s his Achilles heel (or use to be) so I do not put anything past her. But I digress… Why are some of us still taking exes’ phone calls? The Ex Factor is really the only ex situationship that I currently keep in touch with. And once I meet BOAZ…that will be a done deal! ?? I’m ready for that everlasting love and the Ex Factor ain’t it! The only reason why we still keep in touch (I can only speak on my end) is because for some reason breaking away from the Ex Factor (much like breaking away from poison) in a dramatic fashion makes the break up impossible. For me, speaking to him everyday and not seeing him is a win win situation. I get to ween myself off the crack (that is the Ex Factor) while giving myself a new reason everyday of why I’m thankful it’s over! ?? It may sound dangerous but it works for me. And if someone great came along…the Ex Factor is easily history because I am the one that has set the boundaries. I could care less if I ever saw him again. I’m at that falling out of love stage and since he claims he’s never been in love…we are soon to be equal! ?? As far as the other exes, Julio and Elijah, I have them blocked! Not because they matter…they sure the fuck don’t…but because they are very negative people that cannot be a true friend to me. They doom all my relationships…especially Julio! ? Speaking of Julio, that fool has been blocked since January 2016 after he damned me and Elijah to all hell in a phone call. To add injury to insult….that fool called me from a Texas number last Friday night and when I didn’t pick up (I do not pick up numbers I do not recognize) he had the audacity to leave me a text message that said “How rude, Kingston! You blocked me! Ok I got you.” Um…no you fucking don’t Julio! If you truly got me you would get the message! I blocked your Jersey number so now you calling from a Texas one?! Hop the fuck up off my phone number and bitch be gone! ✌?When dudes shitting on women and running off with the next bitch…they expect love to wait on them! Well no the fuck it didn’t! I moved on! And even though I did not find the love of my life…I still found peace not being in love with you, hurt by you, dumped by you, and true serenity not being disrespected by you! ?? You think you can cuss a woman out in order for her to want you back?! I haven’t been attracted to you since 2007! If you were the last penis on earth…I would never touch you! I’m good! Now leave my fucking number alone! But I digress…. Woosa! Woosa! These fools got it twisted! And trust and believe I cannot wait for me to be 100% there with the Ex Factor! ?? I’m 98% there though that fool has more lives than any cat! ?? smdh. I’m all about awaiting BOAZ so soon the block list will get longer! ✌?Moral of the story…y’all stop picking up your exes’ phone calls before I send Vanessa to your house! Lol. And she ain’t no punk! You better act right and stick to loving those who appreciate and love you! ?? ~KJM on Temptation Tuesday! Julio, go fuck yourself! That’s been 20 years coming! Jerk! ✌?
Case Of The Ex (The Why The F*ck Do You Still Pick Up Her Phone Calls Edition)
by admin
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