And in the 7th letter…my spirit will rest in confidence that Boaz is near and I will know him. I will be able to recognize what God has sent for me and only me. Somehow…I will know him like I have known him my entire life. I shall not doubt him and he will love me into eternity as…his one and only. That is the promise. Somehow I will find the courage to recognize him in a crowd of millions. Our love will build generations upon generations in a way no tree in my family had ever built. From our Faith, Hope, and Love shall sprout the trust and confidence I needed…I longed for. The things that I almost gave up on. Somehow I will know his eyes…eyes of kindness and forgiveness. There will not be a lonely day with Boaz for even when I walk alone…Boaz shall be with me for he is part of God’s promise to me. Somehow I will know his smile. That smile will warm my heart in moments that I struggle to be the best that I can be. His touch will be like no other. It will reenforce who I am as a woman and who I shall be as Boaz’ life long soul mate. Things shared between us…even in the tough moments…will not be found in a Hallmark card for God’s promise to me is greater than something that can be bought in a store. Our laughter will carry us through the darkest hours. And we will be together when JOY finds us in the morning. Somehow I will know him. Somehow I will see him. Somehow I will love him like I have no other! He will be my one and only true love. There will be no one before him and no one after him. Boaz will fill in answers that my soul has left blank for years. Somehow I will recognize his face. Perhaps the face of my future children. He will come to me at the precise moment that I need him the most because that is part of God’s promise to me. Because of strong belief in that promise…I do not await Boaz in vein. Instead, I eagerly prepare for him. And one day…two shall become ONE. Somehow I will know him. I will know that he is my ONE. I will know Boaz! How can I be so sure he will come for me? My faith tells me so. And so I await Boaz…being certain that I will know him. Never doubting the promise. ~KJM on Temptation Tuesday saying today I’m tempted to pray that time will stop the minute I lay eyes on Boaz! ??
Awaiting Boaz Letter 7: How Will I Know It Is Truly You?
by admin
Yes love this and dont give up