Well I never thought I would be writing Boaz so early in the month but I came across an article called “What If God Doesn’t Send Your Boaz” by Richelle Henry. While very well written and thought provoking…I could not help but to get to the end of the article…PISSED! What does she mean God may not be sending me a BOAZ? I thought it was a done deal for a Christian woman willing to wait on God?!! I not only pray about Boaz but I’ve been writing to him since September 2016! Who in the heck has been getting my letters then? I mean…I get that UPS, Fed Ex, and even USPS lose packages but not GOD! ? Why would He send me anything less than what He sent Ruth? I am a hard worker! And while I have no mother in law to be loyal to…I sure would be given the circumstances. In my mind…I am Ruth…minus the fact that I probably sin more! ? Why would the Good Lord have me waiting at age 36 for anything less than BOAZ himself?! Better yet…whom might I be waiting on?! Thankfully Richelle does answer this last question in her article: 5. MOSES! “But what if God sent me a Moses? A man who is a leader, but sometimes emotionally driven and in need of my assurance to stand in the fullness of who He was called to be? Although Moses was called, He still felt extremely inadequate and battled insecurities that almost caused him to forfeit the leader that the Lord was trying to pull out of him. What if it were my responsibility to encourage him into his identity?” MY RESPONSE: Now Lord you know I’m short on patience so why would you send me a Moses?! Not to mention I’m so tired of securing insecure brothers! I am exhausted from trying. There is no way I would be the right woman for Moses. And who is going to secure me?! Who is going to make sure that I still have my identity?! Moses seems like too much work! ✌?4. ELIJAH! “What if God sent me an Elijah? A man who has had his share of great victories but still wrestles with fear in such a way that he falls into bouts of lowness and crushing depression? Could I be the woman that God has sent to help draw him out of those cave moments and like the Angel did with Elijah, speak the words, “get up and eat?” Could I be a woman of patience, grace, and love to look beyond his bouts of discouragement and see the man he’s destined to be? (See 1 Kings 18 & 1 Kings 19)” MY RESPONSE: Already dated an Elijah and that was an epic fail! Once again…I lack patience and the ego of this man is HUGE when he is on his high and borderline psychotic when he is going through his lows. I am not worthy of such a task. Passing on Elijah too! ✌?3. JONAH! “What if God sent me a Jonah? A man who has a sure call upon his life to deliver a difficult message, only to be so discouraged with the mantle of his calling that it sends him running? Could I be the woman who, like the whale, was sent to remind him of the importance of obeying the voice of the Lord the first time? Could I be the woman who is sent to help him instead put his fears to flight, instead of his purpose? (See Jonah, Chapter 1)” MY RESPONSE: JONAH WHO? Totally missed this story in the Bible! Let me flip through some pages to get caught up. ? Ok…now I am back! Good Lord, you know I’m a runner in my personal life. How can I keep Jonah on track if I’m sprinting away?! ? Jonah is just not the one for me…I shall text him this message as I am hailing a cab out of town! ✌? 2. ABRAHAM! “What if God sent me an Abraham? A man who has received a word to leave everything behind and just follow the Lord to a land that He would soon show him? A man who received a promise and didn’t have the patience to wait for it? Could I be the woman to help him steward the word of the Lord properly and correctly? Could I be the woman who has a husband who receives direction to leave a place of familiarity and help my husband walk forward in absolute and unrelenting faith in obedience to the Father? (See Genesis 12)” MY RESPONSE: Um…last I check dude would not even go on a trip with me so how am I to convince him to leave all he knows?! He’s joined at the hips with his boys. I cannot get him to even bring me a pizza if a basketball game is on! ? Abraham needs direction? Say what?! Only you can guide him Lord. I’m too busy getting angry when he’s not there for me…much less to be patient in asking him to believe in your plan. No…Abraham takes too many years of long hard work! We are talking about the fate of generations to come. I am not sure I’m up to the task! ✌? 1. DAVID! “What if God sent me David? A man after God’s own heart but had a past of infidelity, adultery, and murder? Clearly, this man was chosen by God but had a past filled with all sorts of things that would cause many to question his qualification to be used by God. Could I be the woman to help purge the record that holds his confidence hostage and loves him for who He was called to be, not who He used to be? (See 2 Samuel 11)” MY RESPONSE: Wait just one minute! That’s a lot to swallow! Infidelity, adultery, AND murder?! ✌? I am about to fall out…so for real…what’s up with BOAZ cause this can’t be what you have in store for a woman like me?! ~KJM on Hump Day. Lord, I’m still praying you will bless me with BOAZ because awaiting a MOSES, ELIJAH, JONAH, ABRAHAM, or a DAVID?is going to take all my strength, prayers, faith, and hope. Am I really the woman you meant to send to them? I feel so unprepared… maybe you know something I don’t…see something I cannot?! ?? Here is the link to the original article I responded to with this blog: http://marriedandyoung.com/god-doesnt-send-boaz/.
Awaiting BOAZ Letter 10: What If God Does Not Send Me A Boaz? (Moses, Elijah, Jonah, Abraham, and David Edition)
by admin
In everyone of your responses to the many men that could be sent was lack of patience. What you may need is more patience for God to allow to grow with another person. Whomever he may send you will need to be able to bend and break together. There will be times when one seems to bend more than the other depending on the need. You will need someone who you can do this with and have a foundation of being willing to do so. It wont be easy at all to say the least. Ive been bending for years and there are times when it FEELS like its too much but in the reaity it was what we both needed. Patience will get you through the tough times
PATIENCE has always been my issue! Why can’t God send me Boaz? Lol. And I totally agree. I deal with a lot but I’ve never dealt with any of my dating mess with patience! I just feel like things should be easy like the movies or like “some” friends describe.
The only thing about Boaz is that the Book of Ruth is so short that it includes almost none of Boaz’s backstory. I am pretty sure he had his own set of flaws just like the Davids and Abrahams. Reject a David and an Abraham and you reject great men with a great destiny. These men had flaws but they overcame them. We aren’t all Ruths (although I am one as that is my middle name) but some of us are Rahab, Rachel and Hannah etc. I don’t need a Boaz, I just need the right one for me. I think regardless of who we marry, we are going to help support/help our spouse through rough patches. Everyone needs fine tuning.
Great point! We don’t know the back story on Boaz! And Book of Ruth is very short. Fascinating way to look at it! Thanks for reading and sharing your input! ~KJM