I awoke around 1am…after only sleeping for three hours. Christmas turned out to be peaceful so I had no idea why my spirit had awaken me. Somewhere in my restlessness I dozed off again. And I dreamt him. He was in a black shirt and I was in a red one. We were laying on my couch. I was on top of him…facing the ceiling and he was…holding me. Not in a sexual introduction way. No it was more like he was securing me and…we…were…smiling. No clue what we were pretending to watch…as the television was on in the background. It was clear that we were in a moment…where it was just us. No one else mattered…just the Ex Factor and I. He felt like home…like I was home…and his strength was not weighing me down (like before) but lifting me up. It was a different vibe. No arguing. No words at all. Just him holding me and securing me. That’s what I was dreaming. And what a beautiful dream it was. They say magical things occur on Christmas or in the midst of the Christmas spirit and I’m guessing that’s why God sent me this dream. And I am forever grateful because for a moment…things were my version of perfection. We just were. Not fighting about anything. Just being. In reality, I am still taking my space. I am not sure what my next move will be but it will come to me when it is suppose to. For now, the magic of Christmas fills my soul. ? ~KJM on Temptation Tuesday. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Love wrapped you in the palm of her hands.
A Christmas Night Dream
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