For some reason, the human spirit only celebrates large milestones. Many of us look pass the small ones that took us on an unforgettable journey of CHANGE! Think back to a time in your life when you needed to make some big changes. Did you really acknowledge those small victories? If you did…you are definitely ahead of the game. Most of us get very discouraged when we have only made small progress after extreme hard work. We miss the fact that we have taken a step forward and that’s really what matters! I am guilty of ignoring my small victories. Today, however, I am doing my best to realize that SERENITY IS ANY PROGRESS! As a matter of fact, even those moments of failure are a sign of progress. ??Instead of settling for a situation or circumstance…we took a step further…and even though we did not achieve our goal (as of yet) the fact that we tried is pure BRAVERY! ?? So many people complain about their lives and are just too fearful or lazy to try to make a change. Time and time again…I’ve heard “I’m too old to try” or “I would never be able to accomplish that like such and such did!” Folks are living on the sidelines of their own lives and don’t even know it! ? Just sitting there “giving the tea” on other people’s lives while ignoring the fact that their lives are rotting away! ? Do not be that person! Take a step to change the things you do not like in your life. One small step could lead to an eternity of change and happiness. Never give up on that! Never give up on yourself! And I’m certainly taking my own advice! April 2017 is like my New Years Eve. I have taken some small steps towards progress and May 2017 will be the New Year of that change. As always, I will keep you guys posted! Be blessed in all you do! ~KJM on Serenity Sunday aka Palm Sunday! ❤️
Serenity is Any PROGRESS ??
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