You ever notice that every time you get your stuff together…the devil comes knocking? It’s like the universe sends signals that Kingston has finally got her eye on the prize and then life tests how dedicated I am. I still keep hearing from Elijah…yet I just read receipt him and don’t respond! Let me be clear…he is no longer a temptation…he’s just a distraction. And I owe him no explanation about my life. I only answer to MYSELF! ?? Yesterday I wrote about not blocking your blessings and failing the tests that the universe sends you is one sure way to do so. Elijah and I were not friends before we dated so we have no reason to build a friendship now. If I later on change my mind about that (which I highly doubt since I can’t stomach his personality), it will be me initiating a friendship NOT him. Once again, even after being split up for almost 3 months (damn time flies when you are having fun and living life??) Elijah is still trying to control a situation that he has no control of. His cologne smells like stench to me and that stinky smell appeared in the air way before the Ex Factor resurfaced.✌?️ Even when I first ran into him after our breakup, for a second Elijah seemed attractive UNTIL he spoke. I’m pretty certain that even if there was no Ex Factor…there would still be no Elijah. I broke things off with him and immediately started casual dating. Then the Ex Factor grabbed hold of my heart…a heart he always had. If you just started a new job, a new relationship, or a new school program, don’t let people distract you from those goals. GET ON ANOTHER LEVEL and protect the house you are trying to build…brick by brick! Remember that toxic people can chip away at your foundation. A house that is built on a rocky foundation cannot stand tall and firm. One light wind may take you out! Most importantly, keep in mind that the devil often has a friendly and recognizable face. Think back to when you went off to college. Did people you grew up with from your old neighborhood accuse you of changing (in a negative way)? Damn right you better change! You are going places! No time for the same old distractions! People who truly care about your growth will ride with you, love you, and support you at every level of your transformation as you do the same for them. If someone tries to block your growth and your happiness…they aren’t really with you. While Elijah has no details about my personal life (unless he’s keeping up with this blog lol), he does know that I’m extremely happy. In a professional setting, I greet him with a smile and a handshake. No hard feelings here buddy! I learned so much from him. And now I’m taking those lessons and applying them on another level!?? Now I’m living life like it’s PLATINUM and I’m not allowing anyone to take that away from me. And neither should you! Sky’s the limit on your heart’s desires! ~KJM saying stay focused and don’t get distracted on this Throwback Thursday!?
On Another Level (The I’m On One Edition)
by admin
The devil only comes if you have something worth stealing. Your happiness and renewed love looks extremely tempting to him. Lol!! Hold fast to your love and continue to let God fight that hot mess!! Lol!!