This morning I knew what I was going to blog about before I even started writing. But the Universe sent its approval by having an article called “10 Signs Your Partner Has Lost Interest In You” float through my newsfeed. Of course I clicked it! ? To my knowledge, the Ex Factor and I hit 9 out of 10 but for all I know it could be 10 out of 10. While this article refers to a partner, it’s clear from reading it that it’s geared towards women! ??Even when you look at the pictures…you can easily see…it’s the man losing interest! What the fuck?! Women lose interest too! Matter of fact in 100% of my relationships, I’m the one that starts to find my dudes unattractive, flaky, and uninteresting. I have had THREE partners that lost their looks, in my opinion, and were down right ugly on the inside too! If you are curious to know who I am referring to…Julio, Elijah, and a dude I dated when I was 19 (the one the fortune teller told me that he cheated)! ??????Dudes fall off and don’t hit the gym like they should or even worse…they criticize my body and when I get a good look at them…I’m like no homey…you on the wrong gym plan! Lol. Let me be clear about something. I am definitely not materialistic. I took these folks as they were and cared for them but if you gonna be a dick and criticize me…I’m gonna size up your penis and when it turns up shorter than short…I won’t apologize for dropping you! ?? Some dudes bulking up when they shouldn’t and others got the rolls going on for days! Now if you treat me right and I love you unconditionally…I will work with you! But some of these low self esteem women got men thinking we desperate to have them and thus…dudes like Julio and Elijah think it’s okay to rip women apart! No sir you shall not! I have said it time and time again…I can hit my own G spot! Can’t tell the last time ANY man has done that! And no this is not an article about ripping my exes apart. I got mad love for them. My point is….magazines gear these types of articles to women…always telling us that we need to work on keeping a man! Like…what about him working on keeping my ass?! ?? Does anyone give them directions about a woman’s needs and how to tend to those needs?! ?? Better yet…do them mutha f*ckers even read the signs in their own relationships?! I had a conversation with Julio and the Ex Factor (in different time periods of my life) about me losing interest in them and falling out of love. Julio did not take me seriously and his cocky ass expected me to stay in love. Four months after I spoke to Julio about my loss of attraction and love for him…I met and fell in love with the Ex Factor! ? Yup. Julio still cannot believe it! That was 7 years ago! And to be honest…I never thought I would fall out of love with Julio either…but it happened and he can never say I did not warn him! Sometimes the ego writes checks the heart cannot cash! ? Recently, I had a similar conversation with the Ex Factor about losing love and interests. I could see him diligently thinking and his response was one of concern though his every day actions still say to me he does not give a fuck! ? Though I thank him for his look of concern…I shall remember it when I meet my NEXT LOVE! ?? Now I know what y’all are thinking. NO…the Ex Factor and I are not beefing. He is his usual self and I am my usual self…and that may just be our problem. He won’t change and I can…but won’t if he’s sitting on his ass! I match inconsistency with inconsistency…lack of interest with lack of interest…afterthought with afterthought. ?? For example, I am living a really stressful life right now and have 1000 issues I need to tend to. The Ex Factor isn’t even 1001!?? I treat him like he treats me. Them days of me thinking of how to keep him have been over! I’m just waiting for some other woman to take him off my hands so I can sleep well at night because he will be her full time problem instead of my part time issue! ??? Lol. Funny but not funny! He’s probably going to kill me for that one. But I digress…. My point is society is always telling women they need to improve themselves for men but do not do the same for men! Men get fit…not for us…but for themselves. They do not have to get what I would like to call “relationship worry reminders” in their newsfeed all day! Relationship worry reminders are what I call articles that have us women doubting a perfectly great relationship that has not had any abnormal issues! All of a sudden we think we are fat and he’s losing interest…when his ass is really at work…focused on work…and not some BS article that was probably written by a man who couldn’t get a woman or some bitter woman who got burnt by a guy that was NEVER checking for her?! ? Truth be told, no matter how much I doubt love in my own life…I would never tell my readers to stop believing in love! I believe in it! Love is the ONLY reason why I still have the Ex Factor in my life! ? Though I do have to give him credit. He’s been down with me when I was the brokest and now…when I’m at my highest weight! The Ex Factor has never made me feel bad about any of those things! And he has the kindest eyes I have ever seen….followed by stunning good looks that I cannot imagine will ever fade! But still he is lacking in the actions of care department. We shall see what will happen there…. For now, let me be honest with saying, I haven’t actively thought about how to keep the Ex Factor since 2012. He should really focus on trying to learn how to keep me! Somebody need to put that in an article! ?? ~KJM on Throwback Thursday! And y’all know I text the Ex Factor a copy of that article lol ?
How Can He Keep A Woman? (An Ode To All My Past Love Interests)
by admin
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