Happy Serenity Saturday! As we are on our journey preparing for BOAZ, I’ve started reading the Book Of Ruth in the mornings instead of my normal two scriptures. It’s actually a very short book in the Bible and definitely a page turner! The story of Ruth is inspirational in so many ways! Even if you aren’t a spiritual person, there is surely a positive message in there for everyone! ?This week I presented several interpretations of the story of Ruth from different writers/preachers. No matter which way you view Ruth…let me tell you the most important lesson I received from reading about her. Ruth was not only loyal and a hard worker but SHE WAS PRESENT IN HER OWN LIFE!?? Knowing that her mother in law, Naomi, had lost a husband and two sons and the only way they could both survive in a land strange to Ruth is if Ruth found a husband to carry on Naomi’s family name…Ruth sought her path to survival. And Ruth did just that! She actively took charge of her life and sought food for her and Naomi in the fields BOAZ owned. When she realized she found favor in BOAZ’s eyes…she continued to work hard to provide for her and her mother in law! Ruth’s “wait” was one of her stepping out on faith and actively being present in her own life. So NO…her wait wasn’t just waiting! Our road to BOAZ should be a spiritual journey of our transformation into being the type of woman that would make a great friend and wife! The “wait” should definitely not be passive. We should be actively seeking to work on ourselves and be happy within ourselves. No matter what you take away from Ruth, I hope and pray that she inspires you to actively seek the things you want and need in life! Don’t wait for it to come to you! Prayer is a beautiful thing but prayer with movement is life changing! On this Serenity Saturday, I encourage you all (whether married or single) to go after your spiritual transformation with full force! Nothing worth having will come easily and even if by some miracle it does come easily….maintaining anything divine will take WORK! Before I wrote this post this morning, I had a talk with myself. I love the Ex Factor and though he does not appear to be BOAZ, that doesn’t mean I’ve completely given up…for only God knows how the story ends. I will continue to work on myself and keep the focus on my transformation and let my “hard work” lead me to a land that I can build on…just like Ruth…whether I build it with the Ex Factor or someone else! ?? ~KJM on Serenity Saturday saying “Faith without works is also dead.” James 2:17
Be PRESENT In Your Life (A Lesson From The Book Of Ruth Edition)
by admin
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