I will not walk into the darkness unprepared for the battle. I may not win every unforeseen battle but I shall win the war….for my soul will not lie down and wait to be taken…. Seems dramatic right? That is what this season does to me. My Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has crippled my life in so many ways for the last eight years. I feel it coming….a sadness that washes over me from October to February (though last year it went all the way to the end of April)…and I feel helpless. I warn others that it is coming and I’m told constantly that I have a blessed life (which I know I do) and I just need to cheer up (easier said than done). SAD is more complicated than others think so be kind to anyone you know that experiences it. For many of us, loss of loved ones, childhood traumas around the holidays, or just an unexplainable sadness visits us. We stand frozen …not sure what to do. Many of us will smile and pretend we are okay. Some of us will just succumb to it and stay to ourselves during this difficult season. This year….I am choosing to be proactive about it. Here are some ways I am trying to maneuver myself through SAD. 5. EXERCISING AND WATCHING WHAT I EAT! Diet and exercise affect so much of what we do and how we feel. I know this is a season of stuffing ourselves with our heart’s delight in the form of greasy, fried, salty, and sweet foods but like everything in life…we must try to do it in moderation. A lot of the foods that taste great as we consume them can actually contribute to mood swings and lack of energy. If you couple that with SAD or any form of depression…get ready for massive weight gain! And that never makes anyone feel good! 4. FRIENDS WITH SAD CHECKING IN ON EACH OTHER! My good friend and blog mentor, Toi from ToiTime also suffers from SAD. She has blogged about it many times and has written some great blogs about how to make your SAD manageable. We vowed to check in on each other and to speak our minds freely about anything bothering us. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have someone who understands my seasonal depression and to be able to candidly express my feelings! ?? 3. STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHO DRAIN YOU! I am currently avoiding anyone who brings negativity into my life and drains my mind, body, and spirit. Hence calling the break with the Ex Factor. He has issues (though I am sure he does not think so) and I have issues. In life but especially during my SAD season…I don’t have time for no ones shit but mine! My plate is full and I do not have time for indecisive people. ?? It is okay to say to people…I love you but I got to take care of me! SAY THAT AGAIN! I love you but I got to take care of me! ?????? If I am depleted emotionally, physically, and mentally, what good can I be to others?! I know this is harder to do when married and/or with children but you have to try to set boundaries. We are all responsible for our own mental well being and happiness. Thus, I’m avoiding toxic lovers, friends, and family. 2. MASTURBATION! ??โโ๏ธ Now I know that you are surprised to see this on my list but then again if you have been following this blog for the last three years…you should not be surprised. ??โโ๏ธ??โโ๏ธ?? I have spent many years not having an orgasm….almost a decade to be exact. Thus, I am long overdue for my sexual release. Thanks to “bullet” aka my mini Shibari vibrator, I can climax in thirty seconds or less anytime I want! ?? A climaxing woman is a woman at peace (most times). Thanks bullet! ? 1. REST AND VITAMIN D3. Get as much rest as you can! This is tough for me because my day job has very demanding hours 6 to 7 days a week but when I do have down time….I take it very seriously. My Sunday’s are often filled with binge watching my favorite shows, naps, and eating good food. Also, since many people suffer from SAD because of the decrease in sunlight during this time of year…my mommy recommends Vitamin D3. She gave me this recommendation for multiple reasons (having to do with our family medical history) but the added benefit that it could also help my SAD made me think it is worth looking into! As always, consult your primary physician before you start taking any supplements and medications! Good luck! ~KJM on Charm School Monday!
A Season Of Trying
by admin
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