Everyone has a friend or two who just blurts out unsolicited advice all the time. It’s one thing if you asked for their honest advice. You can’t get mad at their response because you asked! It’s another thing when you just want them to listen. Most of the time I just want someone to just listen to me. I’m strong willed enough to find my own way. Anyway…..here’s 10 Things that You should Know about these Unsolicited Fuck Tarts:
10. They are usually very unhappy people. Hence, why they have time to comment on every aspect of your life.
9. Their lives are usually a mess…especially their personal lives. I once had a “friend” tell me that the guy I was dating would eventually leave me for a younger woman just like her boyfriend did to her. I hated to tell her that her and I were NOT aging the same and that we were seeing two totally different type of men.
8. These people cannot keep a spouse happy to save their lives! Think about it…if they are always calling you to hear every detail of your life….someone else that may need their attention is being neglected.
7. They are usually in worst situations than the one they are currently giving you advice on.
6. They are usually lonely or a door mat for someone else yet are trying to live vicariously through you.
5. They may be jealous of you and how you live your life.
4. There’s no way in hell they would actually do what they are advising you to do!
3. They may be mentally unstable or depressed. Some people are just clinical.
2. They are not a real friend if they try to control your life, cut you off if you ignore their unsolicited advice, spread your business to others, or try to put you down when you do what’s right for yourself.
And 1. This is the most important thing to remember….these people have a piss poor sex life! Because if they were “laying the pipe” or getting their “50 Shades of Grey” on….there’s no way in hell they would have time to be up in your Vicky Secrets! A good climax has no time for gossip. Multiple orgasms do not have time to pick up the phone and listen to other people’s business. They are too busy cuming! Well I’m off to experience my next orgasm! Hope this was helpful! ~KJM telling people who give unsolicited advice to fuck off…literally!
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