Ah yes….here we are at chapter 4….the conclusion: It wasn’t until I publicly PRAYED for his safe travels (via Facebook) and he arrived in Miami (in August) that I confronted the Ex Factor. He seemed surprised that I knew without anyone….not even my sister….telling me. I know the signs of a disloyal dick that blows in the wind. Things got really ugly from here. We had two arguments over the phone. It was the last one that burns in my brain. That’s when the Ex Factor told me that Heather is girlfriend and wife material. She is someone he would consider marrying. He called her “WHOLESOME”….I’m guessing that’s what her pussy spelt out when she handed it to him on a platter….as he said she made the first move. He didn’t know he was gonna fuck her. I really need to get a T-shirt made that says “Wholesome Pussies Matter Too” as I forget them bitches exist until they open up like weapons of mass destruction to hurt another woman that’s never done nothing to them. Fuck! I’m not saying I was the best to the Ex Factor but I never did him like that. When I needed a break to date others….I told him BEFORE I fuck them dudes. I followed the rules of engagement because as we all know…men don’t forgive the way women do. So if you are a woman….creep right….move like a Virgin….and take your nasty deeds to your grave. That’s what I did with Elijah in 2015. I broke things off with the Ex Factor on the Friday and started seeing Elijah on the following Monday. Elijah had been after me for a while but I didn’t disgrace the Ex Factor when I was exiting. I didn’t reshare stories and post shit. If he ain’t a husband or a homie….no non related dude is getting posted on my page. At least….I’ve never done it. I’m like the IRS and God….I only recognize marriages. And I was not marred. So I went after my possible happiness with Elijah peacefully and in silence. My Daddy taught me the game. You get more loyal hoes with honesty. I expected the same….total honesty…and if you can’t do that….don’t ever publicly embarrass me. Damn! The Ex Factor said he was going to tell me he fucked Heather when we met in person but I never allowed the meeting to take place because I ALREADY KNEW. It was 2012 again (see first blog called The Knowing) but this time he fucked her. It wasn’t the act….we were just about over…it’s how he did me. A woman who loved him imperfectly for 10 years. After our second argument in August, I slipped into a depression. Faced head on with my health issues…I had a very painful procedure with NO PAIN MEDS in my doctor’s office. They looked for cancer, polyps, and any abnormalities around my tumors. I was still unemployed as medical bills piled up. And then the Ex Factor fucked Heather! It was a low point…but by the Grace of God….I got up. Nicole stayed on the phone with me for MONTHS so I wouldn’t be alone. Her and my bro, Junior, took turns listening to hours of crying. I felt like I was losing my damn mind! My friends and family rallied around me and I got up….just in time to have a surgery in October to shrink my fibroids. I had a complication so they weren’t able to shrink both. My symptoms did not subside after my surgery….so in 2021 I will have to go to a specialist who can remove the tumors but preserve or repair my uterine lining if something goes wrong in surgery. Fuck! What a year! Nicole kept me visual and working on my insta and YouTube pages. She pushed to stay visual even in my darkest hours….for 12 days in August I felt like I was dying….inside and out. I didn’t think I could do it but I did!!!! I have two tumors growing in my body and I just got done speaking with the Ex Factor. ~KJM on December 31, 2020. Happy NYE 2021 and TBT! My only goal in these conversations is to let go of all the anger. If you are reading this and you think you are the man for me…..I’m working on healing. Just love on me and come whole. Let God guide us. I have two tumors growing in my body….but in 2021 this will hopefully not be the case. I’m preserving my womb best I can. Don’t ever attempt to plant a seed if you don’t intend on building something with me. I use to be a bit disloyal but 5 years ago…I reformed myself. Even on our breaks….I have never even kissed a man that wasn’t the Ex Factor (in the last 5 years). I can love and love hard but I cannot fall in love through sex. Love my heart first, find my mind sexy, support me, and build me up so that everything in this blog feels like a novel I once read. One from the past….a best seller at that….representing a time where I stopped loving myself….until I fell in love with me again. To the Ex Factor, this blog is based on my point of view. I have no clue why this all happened. I hurt. I heal. I smile. Life goes on. We are toxic to each other. I really hope she brought you happiness. If not….you really fucked up! Still….there will always be a part of me that loves you. Always gonna refer to you as my baby daddy. One loveđź’™ “I got a story to tell!”~ Biggie Smalls
Two Tumors (The Knowing Part 2 Chapter Four Edition)
by admin
🤦🏾‍♀️ By “wholesome,” he meant, “no other man will find her attractive; therefore, I don’t have to worry about her straying.” However, I feel like all things work for our good. It was necessary for you to keep your mind and time dedicated to your own health and NOT the ex-factor’s.
Also, having gone through all of this bull, a man will have to move mountains to access your heart and if he’s willing to that, you know it’s real. I have no doubt that you’ll find love again. You’re a bad b****!! I’m sure that you have suitors, but I think that the one that will access your heart will reveal his intentions in the VERY BEGINNING. You won’t have to wait years. Real men know what they want, and they put in the time and effort to acquire it.