There was a time in my life I was settling. I started dating a guy I shouldn’t have. One day, before anything intimate happened between us, I felt his penis in my hands. It was very tiny (even when hard) and felt half circumcised and half not. I was settling so I felt if he was to be my husband one day I had to let him touch me. But I made myself a promise to never look down. That’s right I had sex with him and even showered with him yet never knew what his penis looked like. I did what I had to at the time. It’s called survival! lol. What I learned from that was to never date a guy when I’m heartbroken, never date a guy I’m not attracted to, and the next time the penis doesn’t feel right in my hand…never let it in my vagina. The lesson here is to never settle!
Never Settle…Learned That The SMALL Way
KJM on Flashback Friday (not throwing shade just being real)
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