I have heard the phrase “single husband” tossed around a lot lately. ??? Is this really a thing? Since the dawn of time singles want to be married while some of the marrieds are dying to be single. We always feel the grass is greener on the other side. So what do we do? We all peer out of our windows staring at our neighbors brown grass that only appears green from a certain unrealistic view. That’s like when I eat two bags of chocolate and pretend there’s more nutrients in them than fat. ?? Still the old school married folks dealt with the sudden urgency of wanting to be single with either a good old fashioned divorce or staying together until a hateful death did them part. ??THIS GENERATION though…they love the “gray” areas of “it’s complicated,” “we are together but are not really together,” and apparently “THE SINGLE HUSBAND!” ? WTF?! How can a legally married man be considered single? Bruh, I got nothing for the single husbands…that is for their legally married wives to figure out! ✌? However, I can guide the single women being taken for a spin by these fools. Here are some tips for dealing with a “single husband”: 5. HE IS STILL LEGALLY MARRIED! Baby girl sometimes they won’t tell you that they are married but the good thing is a marriage license is PUBLIC RECORD! That’s right. You are a Google away or a courthouse trip away from finding out if your new man is in fact a married man! I suggest all single and dating women do this. One can hide a girlfriend but you can’t hide a wife unless a bish just ain’t looking! ?? If your new man is in fact married…drop him where you found him. No happiness can be gained when your treasure is found in another woman’s backyard! ?? 4. LEGAL SEPARATION! A legal separation, to my knowledge, is also filed in court and is public record. Some folks will disagree with me here but A LEGAL SEPARATION IS NOT A DIVORCE! ?? Those married couples could reconcile! If you meet a man in this position, tell him to holla at you when his divorce is final! If you did not hear me before…let me put it differently. No happiness can be found in another woman’s recyclables. Child, wait til she has legally thrown it all out before you jump in to claim her trash! ? Remember that KARMA is and will always be a bitch. 3. BREAKING UP A MARRIAGE IS KARMA TO THE FULLEST! I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be responsible for breaking up anyone’s marriage. If I met him when they are divorced…that’s different. However, if you are tempted to “date” a married man…remember if he was trouble for her…he will be double the trouble for you! 2. SIDE PUSSY SYNDROME! There are some women out there that never want to take the “single husband” away from his wife. They just want money and sex. To those women I say, use your Pussy mileage points some place else. ✌?Cash them in anywhere but with someone else’s husband. No amount of money nor borrowed dick can be worth the drama you are about to put yourself through! There are STDs out there! And if you aren’t scared of that there’s a little known show called “SNAPPED” and an entire channel called “ID!” Baby girl, don’t find yourself with a starring role on either! ? 1. YOU CANNOT DATE A MARRIED MAN! Well now we are getting to the “meat” of things! There is no such thing as dating a married man! That fool has a full blown wife somewhere! This means you cannot legally claim him! ?? If he drops dead tomorrow and is worth anything…his wife gets it! A mistress probably won’t even get his coupon book from Costco! ?? Child…Costco membership declined! Only his wife can reactivate that! ? Any woman who knowingly entertains a “single husband” is delusional to think he is her boyfriend. He is a married man! If you ain’t the wife…you ain’t nothing! I don’t care how many dating profiles he puts up nor how many numbers he receives….he is taken. He is taken in the eyes of God AND the law! ?? I don’t know about you but I’m not trying to mess with either! ? ~KJM spitting some knowledge on Hump Day. To all the single husbands out there, it is either you are married or single. There is really no in between. You feel me?! ✌?✌?✌?
The Single Husband
by admin
So I cant stand the single husband but they do exist. Women think they can do the most with them how. As a married woman ain’t about to fight a woman over a man not even my husband, BUTTTTTTT I will make his life hard. I blame these men who walk around living single lives They barely wear their ring, smiling in a single women’s face with the premise of they just want to see if they still got it and then knowing they not built like that to withstand a women’s advances. I say to the single women dating a married man will cost you more in the long run because mentally and emotionally you have already placed yourself in the wrong ring. Head the advice given by Kingston Jael cause the way my bail money stay set up as a wife it ain’t the life you want to enter.
Lmfao about your bail money lol I have known you long enough to know that is true! ~KJM