I can’t leave you guys without telling you one more thing about Jonathan aka The Great Apologizer. In the years where we were just friends/associates (2001-2010), he put on about 80 lbs. His once athletic body was gone and his hair was turning grey fast! I don’t have any physical requirements for friendship so I looked past it all as long as I never had to sleep with him! While I was in graduate school, I was broke as can be so when any friend invited me out, I didn’t hesitate to accept! Free meals! I had to start declining the Great Apologizer’s invitations, however, because while he paid for very extravagant meals (well extravagant to a graduate student who mostly ate ramen noodles), during each course of every meal, he would rub his hands together and I kid you not….make the same sound the Pillsbury Doughboy made when people poked his tummy! Plus all Jonathan ever ate for his main courses was steak! Even as broke as I was and as grateful as I was for a nice meal, the Great Apologizer started to turn me off from food! I can still see him rubbing his hands together and making the sound of the Pillsbury Doughboy as he ate his meal AND the rest of mine! I….just….can’t….with him! He made ramen noodles and a meal without any sounds seem like heaven! ~KJM totally grossed out as I relive those dinners on Temptation Tuesday!
this really made me laugh at my desk im sure others are wondering why but yes even though i like bigger men it still made me laugh all i could see was this heavy man breathing heavy like he would eat me i cant thanks for this laugh
Toi, I think it was less his size and more about the sounds he made while eating! And he would eat steak for breakfast if he could! Gross….24/7 red meat. #jesusfixit