The first time and coincidentally the last time I would ever be dick whipped was the summer after my Sophomore year of College (WE ARE!). Crazy had been my friend for like 6 months while he was trying to get himself out of some legal trouble. He was my first and last bad boy. At first, I wasn’t even checking for him romantically until one day my roommate, Autumn, asked me if I couldn’t see how sexy and good looking Crazy was! I took a double take of him the next time I saw him and damn Autumn was right!!! How could I have missed it? Crazy was…fucking beautiful and as the summer heat was upon us…he was getting harder to resist. This guy had given me massages and taken care of me when I had the flu. There were parts of him that were so caring…yet crazy…hence the nickname. I remember one winter evening, prior to me realizing how sexy Crazy was, my nose and eyes were running and I had a high fever. Even though I had a high fever, however, I was shivering. That’s when Crazy got in the bed with me and held me….running nose and all. He provided himself as body heat and kept me warm and he laid with me until I fell asleep!? To be honest nothing sexual ever happened between us that winter. I had missed all the signs. Just thought he was my homie. But once Autumn opened up Pandora’s box, I knew what I had to do….maybe what I had been subconsciously waiting to do…fuck him. I was nervous….he was my friend. What if it didn’t work out? Definitely didn’t want to lose a good friend. Then one night we got back from a party (one in which I begged a mutual male friend of Crazy and mine to not allow me to go home with him but of course I ended up taking Crazy home with me anyways?) and he was giving me one of his famous massages. All of sudden R Kelly’s “It Seems Like You’re Ready” was playing and I was shaking. I was nervous and still pretty new to sex. I had no idea what to expect. Still remember what I was wearing that day too….a blue crop top (looked like a farmer’s print) and dark blue flared jeans. Don’t judge me! That was a hot look in 2001 and I had the FUCKING abs to pull it off! Shit I could have sex with my abs right now…that’s how sexy they were. But I digress….this blog isn’t about me seducing myself…it’s about Crazy seducing me.?? Nervous and body shaking…Crazy asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this. Of course I did! But I knew this wasn’t going to be like sex with Julio! Little did I know….I was in for a world wind tour of my body. Yes that’s what he did…Crazy reintroduced me to MY body! Parts of it I never knew existed. He started massaging me more intensely and soon started planting little kisses from my back to my neck! I was melting! What to do? I never ran from a challenge before…so I wasn’t going to start now!? That first night with Crazy…I felt my body do things it had never done before. I screamed. I moaned. Tears fell from my eyes. It was everything I wanted and needed plus more. And just when I thought Crazy showed me everything about his sex game…he would go on to give me multiple orgasms throughout our on and off again friendship/relationship for 8 years! Yea….do the math…there’s some overlapping there with a few of my situationships. This is the perfect time to shout out all the birth control and condom companies! Y’all also look out for children and fools! Lol. But back to my mind blowing sex life! ?? I almost lost my mind! Sex was so good…I could slap someone…and like it!?? lol. Sex was so could I could lite up a pack of cigarettes and smoke them all at the same damn time…after…if only I smoked! SEX WAS AMAZING! Sure…I later on found out he was a huge hoe…the best sex ones usually are! ? Still I had a hard time letting go! Crazy was like crack! Later on Whitney Houston would tell the world that crack is whack and crack is cheap and she don’t do cheap! Boy was that interview a day late and a dollar short! By then I was ADDICTED to Crazy! He would be the only man in my romantic life that could make me climax every time we had sex….and multiple times during! I was so dick whipped that the first time I ever physically cheated on a guy I was dating…it was with Crazy! I fell, tripped, and slipped on his HUGE dick! But that’s a another story for another time…. The moral of this story is after Crazy…I learned how never to be dick whipped again! I’m still in rehab???| ~KJM thinking about lighting some candles, having me a glance of wine, and reminiscing about the time I screamed multiples…on Hump Day???
The FIRST Time I Screamed Multiples
by admin
Good D will have you doing some thangs
Girl…you need to write a book!! Lol…shout out to the birth control and condom companies!! ??
Yasss hunni! They also are in the business of looking out for children and fools or was it looking out for fools and making sure they don’t have children?! Lol KJM