It’s a little known fact that women and men lie about sex often. When men are younger…they typically lie about having more sex with more women than they really are and when they get older they lie about not having sex when they cheat. For women, the lie is generally the same…we lie about not having sex!!! Because the female body can have orgasm after orgasm without taking a break…you bets believe we can out do you guys in bad if it were in our nature. We can fuck an entire football team for hours and still be on time to bake brownies at home…walking completely straight too! ??Trust and believe that! Lol. The other night the Ex Factor and I were having a conversation about what men reveal to each other about sex. He claims his friends are very honest on what they do and do not do in bed with a woman! I, on the other hand, SMELL BULLSHIT! ✌? The Ex Factor claims that no guy he knows kisses a girl after he just bust in her mouth unless she’s wifey! ?? Yea okay! ✌? What if I tell y’all…dudes not only do that but they freaky enough to not only kiss their own cum but go down on her next! Cum shots for cum shots! ?Think about it…if she already swallowed or spat out his cum…what’s the issue?! If she’s good at what she does…all the remnants got digested 1990s Lil Kim style! ?? Better kiss me down if I just pleased you! So dudes out there lying to their friends about what they do and don’t do? Not surprising! What if I told y’all that every time I’ve had period sex…it was the dudes’ idea! Definitely not my idea but I know my body and got a pretty light to non existent flow…only two days in my cycle are real flows! Been like that since I was 13! So when dick can’t wait…I oblige. Truly only done this with Julio (my first) and Elijah. Julio had no issue with it because we took each other’s virginity! He broke my hymen and there was blood every where! Who the hell you think had to clean that up?! Not my traumatized just de virginized self! Hell no! I would still be a virgin now if Julio wasn’t tired of waiting the almost 3 years he did! ?? I kept my promise though…I never denied him sex…that is until I met and fell in love with the Ex Factor. There was a new sheriff in town and you can’t give everyone the unlimited coochie coupon! No ma’am you can’t! ? Though the Ex Factor and I do not have a nobody denies anyone rule. Julio waited with me and was my first. That package would only be offered to him and my future husband (probably). Other than that, I close down the pussy shop…many times without notice! ?✌? So back to dudes lying! Dudes lie so much about what they do in the bed that I know some dudes are in fact into water works (pee) or a good fart in their faces! You know how I know…because women are OPEN (once they admit the sex is happening) about how hard they are trying to please their men! We women are learning how to spit on the dick nastily, fart on cue, and pee right in the middle of his torso! ??? Some of y’all dudes are so nasty…it’s unbelievable! Tossing good salads and shit ?? but leaving that out in the conversations with your boys! And I know this because I’ve had my salad tossed AMAZINGLY by Mister Toss Salad! Yum! Would never order it on the menu and damn sure not doing that to any dude but sure the fuck will moan and cum to a great Toss Salad! He Toss and I tell! Cause every woman need to know where to get that good good Toss Salad! lol. Before I wrap this up…let me confess one more thing to you. I won’t say who the dude is (one of my ugly rebound guys though) but dudes so nasty that the first time I was ever eaten out…I definitely had my period! lol! So to the Ex Factor…your boys lying like shit! You wanna get your balls licked, cum swallowed, and a good waterfall (pee) to your torso…then you better be willing to get just as nasty with it for your women! Bitches ain’t fucking for free no more! Do the work guys and stop lying about your acts in bed! We women are on to you! ~KJM on Charm School Monday! So glad I never had to sign up for a fart orgasm or cum shots mixed with pee Sex classes! You know NYC got everything lol! ??
Of Course They Lie About It! (Women Lie…Men Lie About Sex Edition)
by admin
Yeah glad I never had to go to fart class or pee universe. Ewwww. #imo. But yeah guys be lying. I’d lie too – out of embarrassment – if I farted or peed.