Ugh…feminism is a continuous movement. It’s not a trend and to be honest no one can embody every part of it like Christianity. Only Jesus can! You can be modest without ever making a comment on what others are doing. For example, Michelle Obama #ourfirstlady and Beyoncé are both mothers and wives. They seem to enjoy each other’s company and while the two have totally different jobs, styles, and roles in America neither one is tearing the other down. Both private women which means what they truly do for their husbands only they know. Mrs. Curry has the right to save her body for her husband but let’s be honest…she threw shade at other women. Look at her post closely. It was shade. She stated her opinion and I applaud her. But please don’t think that there’s only one type of successful mother and wife. Real women get it done without pointing it out. “Slut shaming” gives into “rape culture.” If you are not following then you know nothing about feminism especially black feminism and need to pick up a book! FYI some of y’all praising Mrs. Curry (without addressing some of the negative power of her words) would be pissed off if you went to a Beyoncé concert and she was covered from head to toe. So would many of you men. She is an entertainer! Also, some men ain’t trippin off what their wife wears if she loyal, faithful, a great mom, and down for him. I support a woman/wife to do as she sees fit. Every husband and wife do their marriage differently. Jay Z went for “the hottest chick in the game” and so did President Obama! Props to them both because both women are beautiful and clearly family oriented. Lastly, please stop thinking celebrities should be the role models for your children. My role models growing up were MY MOTHER and Oprah and in that order. Nakedness is not what’s killing families. We have bigger issues especially in the black community. *drops mike* ~KJM #stillgotloveforthecurrys #blackfeminist
My Thoughts on Ayesha Curry’s Recent comments
by admin
Now we were getting along all day but here’s where I disagree. First off I hate the terminology “slut shaming”. The term slut is a negative thing. Its used to control and categorize women. Another way men can view us as property. He doesn’t agree with our independent decision making so we’re labeled slut, whore, hoe etc as a way to black ball us in the dating world. Kind of if I can’t have you no one else can syndrome. So I will no way shape of form condone nor embrace that term or any like it. I’m not a slut. I’m a woman. A free thinker. A person in control of her life. There’s no need for me to “slut shame” because women are not sluts to begin with.
Okay as far as Mrs Curry’s comment, I don’t see the wrong in what she said. Like I previously stated, women are in control of their lives and truth. If in her world and truth, being covered in public makes her feel empowered then so be it. I don’t feel like she’s snubbing women who likes to be “free”. I commend her for speaking out in a society where sex is everywhere and body image is a major issue. Not every young lady feel comfortable letting it all out but the pressure can be unbearable. Mrs Curry just reminded the young women who shares her beliefs that they’re not alone. You don’t have to be naked if you choose not to.
With that being said I also commend the Amber Rose and Kim Kardashians who post naked selfies all the time. Love yourself is the message. Your previous post said women shouldn’t put each other down. I agree. Be free in your truth.
I actually don’t think we disagree Nosey Reader! You just did a better job of explaining my point of view. I wrote this one when I was emotional. This issue was a hot topic for women all over! Keep reading! Lol. And I totally agree with your viewpoint. And FYI I love the Currys!