Now y’all know I don’t promote violence. However, there are some times in life where people do shit that make you think you just may be on an episode of “Snapped” or just straight ruling the ID Channel! I had such a moment this past Saturday afternoon. There I was in the nail salon…getting my nails done…when I so happened to look out the window to my right and saw a family member’s husband with a younger woman that WAS NOT HER! Now generally I would tell anyone in this position to either make sure something really inappropriate is happening before reporting to the wife/husband or just mind your own business! This particular family member’s husband has been publicly cheating since before my wisdom teeth kicked in! I grew up with him cheating and fathering outside children while in their marriage! INSANE! Where’s my brick?! Figuratively speaking of course! ? The thing is…she has known for a while…and puts up with it. Even so…I had a moment of deciding whether I should tell my nail tech to stop what he was doing so I could step outside and act a fool on my family member’s behalf! I was literally in my feelings that her husband felt it was okay to not just cheat but to locally do it! Did I mention I was getting my nails done in our hometown?! Motherfu….I’m not even going to waste the rest of the letters of this good curse word on this dirty dog! ? I’ve had women AND men in my family disgraced by having their spouses cheating with someone who is a family friend or associate! Now cheating in one’s marriage will always get a side eye from me…it’s not right in my eyes but to do it locally is INSANE to me. I mean what’s up with further embarrassing your spouse by cheating in their friend and/or social circle! Folks are food shopping with women and men that are sleeping with their spouses! ? I don’t understand being that common. Cheating is already disrespectful but to have folks whispering too? I can only hope and pray this isn’t something I will have to deal with in the future (if ever married). The saddest part of it (for me) is I use to say that the women in my family who married young in Jamaica…were just that…young and made some huge mistakes. But the crazy thing is the ones that married in the US (in their 30s) married even more disrespectful husbands! From the domestic violence to the continuous cheating…they did not fare better! So one’s age doesn’t equate to wisdom when choosing a spouse. ? Sigh…. I worry about my generation and younger! What hope is there for us? Old fools taking their old dirty rusty balls out and sharing it with whomever with no dick retirement plan in sight!!! INSANE! I have let it be known that I have trust issues with the Ex Factor and not just when it comes to other women but just with his words and actions not matching up at times. He told me a lie (in my opinion) in 2012 and a huge part of me has never forgotten it. We haven’t been the same since! And I don’t know if we will ever bounce back from it. Only reason why I still try is because (1) I clearly love him, (2) he does have some amazing traits that I haven’t seen in any other man thus far (like the ability to have my back when I’m down in the trenches), and (3) I’ve never really worked through any problems with any man in a situationship nor relationship. If I feel disrespected…I WALK!✌?️ What scares me about number 3 is I may not be able to stay with anyone. I’ve left most of them! Sometimes for good reason and sometimes for no reason at all. My patience is short and tolerance is low for bullshit! I feel like I’ve already been through too much with these dudes…especially the Ex Factor!✌?️ Only thing that makes me a little different than some women is I can take care of myself…a man is only wanted for companionship….but a damn puppy can give me loyalty and long walks on the beach! If love don’t work out…I will be that chick living in a big house with 5 dogs! Get ready for our Christmas cards! Coming to a mailbox near you soon!? But I digress! Back to the mess at hand. It’s rough when you catch somebody’s man/woman out there! I really pondered running after them and busting my family member’s husband in the head but like I don’t want orange to be my new black! Not to mention, since he’s been cheating and fathering children outside of their marriage before “cock put on their draws” (Jamaican phrase referring to an event happening extra early in the morning)…my actions would not have changed a damn thing…?~KJM on Temptation Tuesday…sigh
He’s So Local With It (The Should I Bust Her Husband Upside His Head Edition)
by admin
i loved this but yeah i dont think you should change your low tolerance for bullshit i think others may need to get to that same level
men think we will just deal with anything and they dish it until they come across the right one that says no or stops them in their tracks
Sometimes I do feel like I put up with a lot with the Ex Factor and feel overwhelmed by it but then when I touch my asshole and realized it’s fully healed and the grass may be do do brown on the other side…I try to stick it out lol See “Unexpectedly Backdoored” post for reference lol