Even a good woman will be tempted to stray. If the man she loves forgets to hold her, tell her she is beautiful, to support her on her dreams, and takes for granted how deep her love is for him…she will be tempted. There will be a man or two that may come along and promise her hours of laying in his arms with no complaints, promise to value her, and promise to make her a priority. He will see the broken pieces and slowly piece them together as he seduces her away from you. Somehow he will know to do all the things you are not without her ever telling him. He will touch her so softly as to entice her to go to this new world only he can show her. He will convince her that he is the man for her. Even a good woman will get tempted. What happens next depends on you…
Good Women Can Stray
KJM on Temptation Tuesdays
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