It’s been 7 months since I started on this journey and thus far, it’s been beautiful! Just in case some of you are thinking about starting your own blog, here are 10 things I want you to know about my life as a blogger:
10. WHY I BLOG: What really pushed me to start blogging after years of friends and associates asking me to…was the sudden death of a friend, Michele. The only way I could even begin to deal with my grief was to do things in honor of Michele like leave a 5 year dead end relationship (the Ex Factor) and start this blog! Her death pushed my life into full force. There is no way I could continue to sit on the sidelines of my own life! I needed to push forward into the unknown and with Willow’s and Nicole’s (Jael’s mom) emotional support, I began…first on Tumblr and then now with my own site! To God Be The Glory! What a ride it’s been so far!
9. HOW I BLOG: For years I’ve been a free lance editor for family and friends. When I was younger, all I ever did was read and write stories. With a demanding day job, I never thought I would have time to keep up with this blog but it’s actually been quite easy. I free style blog….meaning I almost never know what I’m going to blog about and I do not do an outline. Most of the time, it’s on my morning commute (bus it and train it life), that I blog to you almost in real time! I don’t have a clue what I’m about to say, each blog generally takes about 30-45 minutes to write and proofread, and I never know how the story ends! I just speak from my heart and I write to all my readers as if you are all my friends! While I only have a few subscribers thus far, I’ve a nice fan base of loyal readers all over the world! That’s right! I’m able to see what countries are reading my blog. This is a great time to shout Brazil out! You guys love my blogs…especially the sex ones! Big ups to you!
8. I HAVE A BLOG MENTOR: Toi from ToiTime has been an awesome mentor. We actually discuss the obstacles of blogging and my personal life since we are both bloggers and friends! WE ARE! PENN STATE! It helps to have at least one person you can talk to that knows exactly what you are going through as you let people into your life! My first negative feedback hit me hard and it was Toi and my brother, Junior, that made me realize that streets talking can be a very good thing and to take that feedback constructively and not personally!
7. MY WRITING STYLE: Writing is my true love. While I have many styles of writing, I chose to write in my natural urban style! I curse like a sailor and a truck driver all put together but that’s me in my moment! I try to keep my emotions raw for my audience because my blog is NOT about perfection! It’s my life’s journey and that shit is raw!
6. MY BIGGEST SUPPORTER: Hands down that would be Willow! There are times I’m literally breaking as a human being and want to stop blogging and Willow sends me a text saying even if I’m going to Hong Kong, they have laptops there so I better not stop blogging! She pushes me and supports me. If I’m breaking, she’s like…write about that because we all break at times! Willow says the most time I can take off from blogging is a week but a month is simply unacceptable! She believes that I have God given talent! That warms my heart to no end and that’s exactly why I never took a blog hiatus for a month like I threatened to a few months ago!
5. MY GREATEST CHALLENGE: When people entrust me to tell their stories! Willow has fully opened up her life and allowed me to share some highlights and lowlights. When I wrote her Domestic Violence blog, there were chills going up and down my spine! My hands were shaking and I just kept thinking…I can’t get this wrong…I don’t want to get this wrong! DV is a topic true to my life. I have lived it, second hand, since I was a child. Getting Willow’s story out there was important but I feared what her thoughts would be when she finally read it. Did I capture her true emotions? Did I share too much? Was it hard for her reading this blog? But Willow, as always, emerged with strength and character. If her story could help just one person, then it was worth it! I agree with her! Willow, thanks for letting us in your life! And thank you for your support!
4. IS THIS A LIFESTYLE BLOG: To be honest, when I first started this blog, I didn’t have a clue the direction. You guys are living out my day to day with me! I guess the closest thing it could be called is a lifestyle blog but I prefer to call it “a don’t forget to live your life in style” blog! My goal is to show you that through the ups and downs you must be present in your life! It’s your life! You must actively participate, fight for it, and live it out in a way that brings you honor! That’s really my goal.
3. BIGGEST MISTAKE: Elijah! While talking about past boyfriends made sense, opening up the door to my present love life was risky! People had something to say every step of the way. And when it didn’t work out…it was more embarrassing for me than it was devastating. If it had worked out, you guys would have seen our love story play out from the beginning but it didn’t so that got me thinking. My current personal life is going to be off limits. Don’t worry! I have lots of juicy stuff to talk about from my past!
2. WHAT I LOVE ABOUT BLOGGING: On days I didn’t want to get out of bed, this blog kept me going. Writing about pain and hurt is actually very therapeutic! I actually think this blog helped me heal from my past hurts with the Ex Factor! As I opened up more about what those 5 years with him was like, I started to feel free of the hurts and disappointments. Each word of each chapter…set me free…free to love again and I’m forever grateful.
1. WHY THE ALIAS: I don’t think of Kingston Jael Michaels as an alias. She’s who I really am when I lay in my naked truth! I don’t have to get clothed when company comes over because KJM allows me to stand tall in all my naked glory! Kingston is me and that’s why writing under that name speaks to the truth of who I am. ~KJM on Flashback Friday. Thank you to all my readers for these last 7 months! The journey has been great and I can’t wait to see the blog continue to grow! It’s my baby!
Thanks for the shout out. Always know that blog life is life. It helps to get thoughts on paper. Its healing. Happy 7 months and keep up the great work you are doing!!