Okay this another one of those blogs that is going to get me side eyes, rolled eyes, and maybe a downright middle finger! But it’s Charm School Monday and I refuse to not learn a damn thing today! Now let me start off with a few disclaimers since lately folks have been up in arms thinking that I’m writing about them: 1. Reading articles, other blogs, and letters sent anonymously to the writer Zane inspired today’s post and 2. I am by far not perfect and have too been a fool for love. With that said, let’s get to tackling this foolishness! Since I’m deep into Life Style blogging I’m always reading stories on other women. In the last couple of weeks, a few common themes have been popping up that baffle the fuck out of me…even with my 20 years of dating experience. Here are the Top 4 Where The Fuck Do They Do That At…Awww Hell Naws: 4. WOMEN FIGHTING/KILLING OTHER WOMEN OVER A MAN! Girlfriend, where is your mama? Was she actively in your life because one of the first lessons she should have laid into your ass when you hit the dating phase is that NO MAN is worth losing your freedom nor your life!?? I will never understand why women blame other women (who don’t know them) for their man cheating! The man made you promises and/or took vows…not the side chick or new woman in his life! I cannot express this enough…if she is not your family or friend…that woman owes you nothing!!! CHECK YOUR MAN! I’ve been cheated on many times and never dared to have any conversation with another woman. My foot went up my man’s ass!!! Figuratively speaking of course but I’m hoping with that visual…you feel me! When I see a woman trying to fight or kill another woman over a man…I begin to think she got to have a mental illness!!! Like I need to see her diagnosed with something (not that I think that’s a good excuse as there are many mentally ill people who don’t hurt others). But it’s still hard for me to believe that a SANE woman (of any age) would be out in these cold and deadly streets trying to fight/kill over a man!!! I know being dicked whipped is a thing…SEE all my blogs about my college lover Crazy but even with Crazy sleeping with half of Penn State’s female population (while we were dating….I’m sure) I ain’t never step to no chick about him! Now some did step to me but he quickly put them in check! No real man would want to put his woman in harms way…even some dirty dogs got their limits! Ladies, get your shit together! And just go get you a new man! With that being said, Rest In Peace Kendra…another senseless act that made national headlines! Jesus be a fence for her child, family, and friends!?? 3. FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING A MAN…INDEFINITELY! Now let me say that I do not believe in financially supporting a boyfriend under almost any circumstances but I’m sure there’s some good exceptions out there. For me to hand over my hard earned coins to a man…he better be related to me or be my husband who has had my back through thick and thin! Some women love to baby their men to the point they cutting up his meat at dinner and buying the draws he wears! When y’all going to learn to let a man be a man? Then these same crazy and controlling women get mad…years later…when that same man is too lazy to work, take care of his children, AND fuck them! Well what did you expect? You were raising a boy and you shouldn’t have been raising anyone!!! If my man is temporarily on his face and he’s working hard to get back on his feet then I got him but I’m not going to be no damn ATM permanently for him nor am I going to keep making excuses for him when he isn’t willingly pulling his weight! Hold onto your hats for this one…some women even support their man’s cheating habits!!! Seriously, where the fuck do they do that at?! If he ain’t got no job, lives with you, and got time to cheat…guess who is footing the bill for all of that fuckery?!!! YOU! Just go SAT down somewhere because you are really embarrassing the female gender right now! Making it look like we don’t know a cock from a hole!!!! 2. MOVING A MAN INTO YOUR PLACE! Now I would never marry a man who I didn’t live with first! However, if I was seriously dating a man, we already talked about marriage, and we now decided the time was right to move in together…we would have to find OUR place. If either one of us already owned property, this may end up being a different scenario because in this current housing market, depending on where you live, selling a house isn’t easy much less the stress of buying another one. And if he’s a home owner…chances are you are dealing with an independent man. I’m not speaking about those men. I’m talking about the ones that just left their mama’s house or their last girlfriend’s house AND have never lived alone! A man should always be a man and have his own. He should have learned to pay bills and balance his checkbook long before you move in with him! If a man has never been independent…then living off of you will be easy! Now I’m not saying there aren’t things we as women will still have to teach men…but if you shacked up with one that can’t teach you a damn thing….you really living with your SON! ??1. HAVING BABIES IN HOPES OF KEEPING A MAN! Now this one really blows my fucking mind! It’s 2016 and there are still women out there who think having a child for a man will guarantee he will be theirs forever?! Where do they really do that at?! I try not to judge but when I see a woman with 4, 5, or more different baby daddies…I stop in my tracks! Or even if you have the same father for all the kids…you on baby number 6 for him…yet he never even took care of baby number 1?! Y’all must think I’m stuck on stupid! One child equals one mistake for a man that’s a deadbeat! Newsflash…a baby is one of the fastest ways to lose a man…not that a woman’s sole purpose in life should be keeping a man. What I’m learning from the current state of reality tv is you could be the “baddest bitch” and have cum coming out your ears while you go front ways and side ways with every chick your man suggests…and his ass will still cheat and/or leave you! What makes a man love and respect a woman…only that man knows. No level of freakiness nor a baby is going to force him to stay! What kills me is when these same women throw shade on Father’s Day knowing damn well from the jump they were laying with a deadbeat!!!! “Y’all gon make me lose my mind up in here!” ~KJM on Charm School Monday dropping knowledge! And don’t think all of these hell naws apply to only young women! I know some grown ass women about this life and then some! Smdh!??
A Baby Will Keep Him?!!! (The Where Do They Do That At Edition)
by admin
I for one know right well that a man isn’t going to stay because of money, sex or a baby. A baby is never a guaranteed pay out and we as women for those who think like that need to get it together. Even these women who thought they had a secured check messing with a baller will soon come to find out that it doesn’t pay. Having your own and coming to the table with more than your hips and thighs will leave you with more than just a few wet sheets….