Recently I’ve been reading a lot of articles/blogs from people in their early 30s feeling confused. In my 20s, I never felt left behind nor ahead of others. Then in my 30s (from the jump), I woke up one day always feeling “a day late and a dollar short” in life. From my career to being a blogger to being a lover…I always woke up feeling short. Through it all though, I stay present in my life from the ups (my vacations and my nieces and nephews) and the downs (almost everything else). To those just entering this decade, you are going to get your ass handed to you a million times but you just got to get up. You got to travel even if there is no one to travel with…you got to keep writing even if people aren’t reading….you got to get out of bed even if you don’t have the energy to…you got to say goodbye to lovers while welcoming the chance of new love at an unexpected time…you got to keep living and believing in yourself. You have to still LIVE. That’s what I tell myself when I board that plane (typically alone), when I take pics in my bikinis, and when I have to start over continuously in my personal life. The journey isn’t really about what we accomplish…it’s really about how much we have grown and learned to love ourselves…. Hang in there! “I am not only a client…I am the president.” Lol. ~KJM on Serenity Saturday.
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