Well! Well! It’s Charm School Monday! Typically we learn deep life lessons on this day but NOT today! We are about to get ignorant! First off, I’ve had some down time in the last few days from my day job so my entire focus has been on my blog anniversary project and all the women helping me with it. I’m so preoccupied that I haven’t worn makeup since last Wednesday! Now if you know me personally….you know I have naturally flawless brown skin and I have no issues with rolling out the house with just some clear lipgloss and eye liner (I can’t leave either behind). But generally my face is always beat for the gods!?? Now before I dive into the ignorant mess we are about to discuss….I want to speak to the basic bitches. If you are one…you may want to stop reading! I’m not hating…I’m just stating my opinion. For those who don’t know what a basic bitch is…this is my definition: a simple woman, who doesn’t take care of herself, always got something negative to say about other women who do take very good care of themselves, no ambitions, no goals, a doormat, and essentially a hater herself. Now that we have that covered…on to the NEXT! In general, the basic bitch is not my friend. However, sometimes I envy her freedom to never have pressures to be something….GREAT! The basic bitch doesn’t have to educate herself. She doesn’t need “me” time….she is whatever people want her to be. Me time would put her in a position to think and reflect and that’s just a hell no for her! The basic bitch doesn’t worry about pleasing a soul…not even herself because her “basicness”…for lack of a better word…is enough! She don’t got to keep her waist tight. Forget fashion….usually whatever this green eyed monster (as in jealous individual) sees her friend OR her enemy wearing is what she will be putting on next. The basic bitch doesn’t have to have a personality! As a matter of fact, if one took a deeper look into her mental…the basic bitch has a personality of wet paint drying on a wall! Men (really boys) will choose her over driven women every time because…lets be honest….the basic bitch takes no issue with having a man climax all over her face! Yum! Cum Shots…she exclaims! So much about the basic bitch confuses me. She doesn’t even have to set hair appointments cause to be honest no man gives a damn what she looks like. Forget a mani or pedi! Them toes haven’t been touched in decades unless upon request! These boys know she’s not going anywhere and that’s why they love her! And her self esteem is that of any person within 50 feet of her. She has no real identity! And that’s her real charm! The basic bitch would be forgettable if not for the fact that she lurks behind us strong, driven, and beautiful women! She’s simple minded and just about anything pleases her but don’t you dare call her out on her…“basicness” because she will deny it every step of the way! Still even with all her negative traits, there’s one thing I admire about the basic bitch….she never has to be anything but basic! So here I am on day 5 of not wearing any makeup nor dressing up and a little voice is saying…Kingston, you should have started off your day with a 5 mile run, showered, dressed to the nines, and then took yourself out for a shopping spree and a great lunch! So here I lay in all my “unbasicness” feeling bad about neglecting myself for the last 5 days! Oh the guilt is real! I’m currently dressed up in a beautiful dress (at home lol) blogging, working on my blog anniversary project, and preparing myself for the rest of my work week! Oh why oh why can’t I be basic?! I’m still not wearing any makeup but my skin is glowing and I feel more like my normal self now that I’ve ditched my house clothes. But why oh why can’t I have some of the same freedoms of the basic bitch?! I would sleep better if I had no goals and didn’t have two careers! Oh the basic bitch must feel so restful all the time! On days like this, when I’m short on sleep and obsessed with my projects being executed to perfection, I dream about temporarily being a basic bitch. But even Kingston Jael Michaels can’t live out that nightmare for too long! I’m a BOSS!?? So onto the next project with probably another sleepless night ahead of me….I still got time though…to shout out my basic bitches!? ~KJM on Charm School Monday saying….oh how I wish I could be basic…even for 5 seconds lol ?
The Freedom To Be A Basic Bitch (The Oh How I Wish I Could Edition)
by admin